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SAGE 2023 - Complete Sonic Encore : Final Build

General Information

Sonic Encore is a fan-game that re-imagines the some of the classic levels from Sonic 2D era into a more modern 3D environmental setting. Not only taking visual cues from the classics, It is the intended design goal that the playstyle of the game also feels reminiscent of the classic games 2D as well. which should provide a unique experience to other 3D sonic games.

As the title states this is the final build. everything I set as a goal for completion has been achieved, so besides any fixes or issues I can address this is the end of the road for this project,

This project consists of 11 levels, across 6 zones each with a boss fight all available to explore and overcome.

With this being my first project ever, I personally don’t call this a game as such more of a proof of concept
and the result of many hours of love and trial, error and lessons learned.
And after 4 years of my life, it feels great to finally finish, it share it with the community, take what i have learned
and create something new.

Because of this the Project lacks any sort of story or plot and is more of a greatest hits of some of my favorite levels.
Read the Update section below for what's new and what to be aware of.

Click HERE to get it from GameJolt

Click HERE to get it from Google Drive

if there is still any download issues let me know below.

Emerald Hill


Angel Island


Ice Cap


Mystic Cave


Aqua Lake


Oil Ocean


Each level has some Iconic bosses now in 3D

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It looks really cool and I really want to play it. (Just finished Sonic GT) but when I try to extract the files it says "An unexpected error is preventing the archive from being extracted." and I cant run it without extracting the files. Any help would be appreciated.
I couldn't get in the game because I did not know how to play
Finished the game up in almost one go, since I've gotten a game over in Ice Cap 2. I'm glad this project was completed, as in terms of quality it's a pack of stages that feels like a DLC for Sonic GT, which is a good thing. My personal problems I've mentioned were not addressed (except for 2 bosses being unfinished which was a must to complete) but I still think this fan-game is very addictive in terms of it's level design and just the overall flow of gameplay. We've never seen Oil Ocean, Mystic Cave and more in 3D, so it was interesting to see someone's interpretation of them. I still had the problem with Ice Cap 2, as I mentioned earlier but it's no longer my complaint, as I see you are basically done with this. Bosses were hit-or-miss, because they were either too easy, or too annoying. The first two bosses were the only consistent ones, in my opinion.
By the way, if you do think about polishing further, I'll just say that DS4 compatibility is busted, forcing me to add this game on Steam and emulate XInput; and Knuckles, while it's great that he can climb, it actually makes him broken for the level design as he can glide and climb through basically every obstacle. I'm pretty satisfied with how this turned out and I'm hopeful that you will have more projects planned in the future.
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Oh shit I remember playing this a couple years ago! It's awesome to see you've finished it, that's such an unfortunately rare thing for Sonic fan games [though we're certainly not short of frameworks/engines lol]
I'm really frustrated with the fact that Sonic's air dash doesn't maintain most of his speed anymore, same with the homing attack, when you hold down the jump button when landing a homing attack, you should keep all the forward momentum you had when attacking the enemy, but in this build. NOPE. Instead it just sends you a little higher, not even to mention how Sonic's Spindash barely gives him any speed.
Approximate times so far (dying makes it hard to get accurate numbers):
Emerald Hill: 8min
Angel Island 1: 7min
Angel Island 2: gave up after two game overs, 22min
Ice Cap 1: 16min
Ice Cap 2: gave up after two game overs, 18min

Ran into a lot of invisible walls, fell into a lot of water, often ran around for a long time only to find myself back at an already-activated checkpoint or even the beginning of the level. Springs and ziplines were good because they tended to give clear clues for which direction was forwards. Rails did not. The game feels really exhilarating in motion when I'm confident I'm going the right way, but the rest of the time, I find myself feeling anxious that I'm just making things harder for myself by going backwards. It's very pretty seeing things in such great detail and with so many different textures, especially in Ice Cap with cool level design like ice floes. It's fun and super impressive. It's just also filled with T intersections where I end up guessing the wrong way to turn.
Mystic Cave 1: 4min
Mystic Cave 2: 11min
Azure Lake 1: 8min, but the boss just sat there and did nothing, neither of us could damage the other
Azure Lake 2: 13min
Oil Ocean 1: 6min
Oil Ocean 2: 12min
I'm really frustrated with the fact that Sonic's air dash doesn't maintain most of his speed anymore, same with the homing attack, when you hold down the jump button when landing a homing attack, you should keep all the forward momentum you had when attacking the enemy, but in this build. NOPE. Instead it just sends you a little higher, not even to mention how Sonic's Spindash barely gives him any speed.
this is a result of the homing speed. were it to maintain it like in the past results in the player instantly moving at ridiculous speeds
the post dash/homing was actually increased but set to be around their base max moving speed. Drop dash charge time was also decreased, so you don't need to in the air as long to charge it to max. but you wont be able to just hop and charge to dash. the focus of momentum is moved toward running rolling using loops to maintain speed, the rest is for general traversal or a speed burst from a standing start
Mystic Cave 1: 4min
Mystic Cave 2: 11min
Azure Lake 1: 8min, but the boss just sat there and did nothing, neither of us could damage the other
Azure Lake 2: 13min
Oil Ocean 1: 6min
Oil Ocean 2: 12min
Did the Aqua lake boss spawn any balls? as they are the key to damaging.

as for some of the level times deaths aside.
how do you approach the levels. are you just exploring or other.

the way the level flow works is imagine you are moving forward and just ignoring any side path that changes your overall direction
if that makes sense. think like a line runner and your adjusting left or right not doing sharp 90+ degree turns. butthanks for these extra infomation. it helps
this is a result of the homing speed. were it to maintain it like in the past results in the player instantly moving at ridiculous speeds
the post dash/homing was actually increased but set to be around their base max moving speed. Drop dash charge time was also decreased, so you don't need to in the air as long to charge it to max. but you wont be able to just hop and charge to dash. the focus of momentum is moved toward running rolling using loops to maintain speed, the rest is for general traversal or a speed burst from a standing start
The SPINDASH is what's really slow, the Dropdash works as it's supposed to, but the Spindash for Sonic SPECIFICALLY barely gives you any speed, I know this is a Sonic specific problem because I've played with other characters and the Spindash actually gives some proper speed.
Sent my review earlier but figured I'd leave some more feedback. I had another friend play this since I do really like aspects of this game, that friend of mine an actual game dev for a big triple-A company, and yeeeah even he got lost in the tutorial stage/Emerald hill. He was playing as Tails, first taking him a lil while to figure out how to fly properly, buut yeah flying around and getting through the stage was fun, yet he too eventually ended up going in circles and not knowing which way is forward. I watched him fly up as high as possible, looking around at the stage, then saying "I genuinely don't know which way to go" before we switched to another stage with time being at around 10 minutes. I knew Mystic Cave is linear and good and yeah hey, that's what we played next and had a blast, 3-5mins for each act, good stuff, do love the arrows making sure the player won't get confused aswell, tho honestly this is prolly the one zone that doesn't even need them.

I know you don't plan on working on this game further buuut you know, hopefully the feedback helps you with your next project.
I'm sorry but without ANY indication as to which direction you are supposed to be heading in those giant levels the game is basically unplayable. I'm impressed the issue is in the final build as it's very very clear to any playtester.
this is a result of the homing speed. were it to maintain it like in the past results in the player instantly moving at ridiculous speeds
the post dash/homing was actually increased but set to be around their base max moving speed. Drop dash charge time was also decreased, so you don't need to in the air as long to charge it to max. but you wont be able to just hop and charge to dash. the focus of momentum is moved toward running rolling using loops to maintain speed, the rest is for general traversal or a speed burst from a standing start
That's not an excuse to make killing enemies with the homing ATTACK COMPLETELY destroy ANY speed you already had.

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