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SAGE 2023 - Demo Sonic 3 Chronicles (SAGE '23 Demo)

General Information



Sonic 3 Chronicles is a fan game about Sonic. Its first version was created by me in 2006. Now the game is being completely rebuilt. But its essence remains the same - this is an alternative version of Sonic 3, the purpose of which is to show the zones of the Competition mode (Azure Lake, Balloon Park, Chrome Gadget, Desert Palace, Endless Mine) as full-fledged levels that heroes get into due to the fact that the events in the game turned out differently: the bridge at the end of Angel Island did not collapse, and they ended up not in the Hydrocity, but in the Endless Mine. In addition to these levels, Angel Island Zone and several completely new levels are planned for this game.

This demo contains 3 full-fledged competition zones:

Endless Mine
scr02.png scr03.png scr07.png scr08.png

Azure Lake
scr10.png scr11.png scr12.png scr16.png scr17.png

Balloon Park
scr24.png scr21.png scr22.png scr23.png scr25.png

There are 4 playable characters: Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Mighty (so far they can only be used separately).
There is a version for PC (Windows) and for Android. Both versions have gamepad support.
In the PC version, you can change the screen resolution in the settings. Both classic 4:3 aspect ratio and modern 16:9 are available.
Both in the PC version, and in the Android version, you can change the controls - in the PC version, this option comes down to binding the buttons on the keyboard and selecting the gamepad, and in the Android version, to changing the size and position of the touch buttons on the screen. When using a gamepad, the touch buttons disappear from the screen.
In addition, there are other settings - the volume of music, sound, rotation style (classic or 360 degrees), Knuckles style and more.
Have a good game!

Latest reviews

I really like this game, looking forward yo see the other 5 levels that this game is cooking...
It has an original idea with great level naming (I'm talking about the other custom levels), peak gameplay gimmicks, banger soundtracks (my favorite so far is desert palace act 2, BOY THAT ONE HITS HARD!) and overall great game, some improvements are welcome but i still like it.
Edit: the only problem i find here is that there are just too many sheild monitors when not needed, i don't say its bad or anything, sometimes there just... there.
(Oh yeah btw heres this)


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Coming back after the first demo from SAGE2022, I can finally see what this project was supposed to showcase. Really solid work on the level design, the idea, the OST (except for Balloon Park) and visuals. The physics and insta-shield (primarily in bosses) are not ideal, however if created from scratch, they are ok enough but I hope they will be finished and more flexible. Also some collisions made me fall through walls and lose a life, so something to keep in mind. Overall really hyped for the final release.
Hi, thanks for playing my game! I will work on physics and other issues in future versions. But I don't know, what are you talking about when you mention SAGE 2022 version. I maked previous playable version of Sonic 3 Chronicles 17 years ago, in 2006. Then I decided to try to remade it in 2016, but ran into technical problems that led to the inability to use the engine, which I spent over a year creating. This greatly demoralized me, and I stopped developing the game until the end of 2022. Then I decided to begin again and here it is.
Oh, so that was just a coincidence. There is a project called Sonic 3 Other Circumstance, that tries to achieve the same goal of expanding the competition stages. Sorry for misunderstanding.
sonic 3 chronicles is my favorite! and i like it!
Let me preface this with an explanation of why this game means so much to me. Ever since I was like 6/7/8 years old I've wanted to play the competition stages as full fledged, flushed out stages and I wanted to play through Sonic 3 and Knuckles as the Chaotix. I've been wanting to do this for 28 to 30 years. Every year I'd excitedly check SAGE and Sonic Hacking Contest to see if some one has made a fangame/hack/mod that does this and this year, I was in luck! I came into this knowing Sonic 3 Chronicles featured the Competition stages as full stages, but I had no idea mighty was going to be there until I check out the booth.

Now with all of that out of the way, I give you my thoughts on this amazing game. Though note, due to time constraints I have only completed Endless Mine Zone using Sonic, so my thoughts will be based off of that.

I love how the game opens up, giving us exposition to both how the stages would connect to the main game, an explanation as to why we never see them in the main game, and perhaps an idea of where Knuckles goes after he's finished harassing Sonic in the Sonic and Tails route of Sonic 3 and Knuckles.

The game play seems true to Sonic 3 and Knuckles for the most part, with some very minor physics issues, definitely nothing that is a deal breaker.

The design here is very impressive. I love how you incorporated the original layout of the Endless Mine competition stage into the full stage. I also loved the inclusion of new badniks, new sub-boss, and boss! Equally as enjoyable is the music. The act one Music is the standard Endless Mine music, but act 2 is a nice remix, keeping with the S3&K conventions.

Thank you so much for making this project! I look forward to coming back and giving the demo a more thorough playthrough once SAGE is over. I also look forward to playing the final!
Like you wrote, the idea is fantastic. I always wanted or hoped to play those multiplayer stages as main stages.. Such a great and well made idea turned a reality.


This has great potential, I love the concept of it but I just have a few things to say:
The game randomly drops your fps
Some level designs are kinda eh, ok
The physics and collision could be improved
In water, the spindash dust wont appear
How do you download?
Same as any other game on the site, by clicking the big button where it says "Downloads."

This is a great start. Right now it feels like every zone has exactly one gimmick, and they work fine (the spike ball slingshot is very cute), but there could be more of them. The alternate palettes are always a nice touch, and the engine all feels perfectly accurate. The constant pressing of switches to open doors feels like 90's FPS level design, not like Sonic level design. The balloon cannon should probably only show up once, as a landmark, not three times. The layouts never descended into endless streams of loops, which is good. Generally a really positive experience marred by too many switches.
Fun concept. The physics and controls are great, and most everything works as expected with polish. The daytime changes during the Azure Lake bosses were really cool. However, the level design feels a bit lacking. Hunting switches in Endless Mine was annoying, as were the balloon cannons in Balloon Park. I also noticed several instances of re-used level sections, with some repeating one right after the other (maybe this was some kind of attempt to call back to the looping nature of the multiplayer stages, but it's not really fun, just tedious). I also question having several shield monitors right next to each other. I understand it's to let you choose which one you want, but it's something Sonic 3 never did, and certain shields are more valuable than others. Balloon Park just had too many shield monitors in general. And something about the levels felt very claustrophobic, I don't know if it's the layouts or if the screen is zoomed in more on the character than the Genesis titles and I didn't notice.

There were also a couple bugs/issues I encountered, too. When I got to the boss of Azure Lake Act 2, the screen didn't adjust to the arena, meaning I saw where the sludge pits cut off underneath the stage. Mighty's wall jump was also very inconsistent to pull off. I would always get the first one off fine, but them subsequent wall jumps would just randomly not trigger, leading to a lot of frustration.
that AIZ bomber cameo was cool.
maybe you should make it a new zone or a boss?
anyways, this game is awesome. i love how it's based off the sonic 3 competition mode levels.
Thank you! Something similar is already planned for making. I don't want to spoil the surprises so that's all I can say at the moment
Thank you! Something similar is already planned for making. I don't want to spoil the surprises so that's all I can say at the moment
also, there's some bugs that i found. when you fly to the top of the bomber, there's propellers missing on the 3rd engine. and the bomber sounds hurt my ears. couldn't you find the sounds resource sounds?
I finally got around to playing as Mighty and there is an issue, not sure if it is a glitch or if it is intended. If Mighty has a shield he can't wall jump more than once. He'll jump on a wall and when he goes to jump on the other wall, in stead of wall jumping, he'll perform the shield's special move. This has the potential to leave the player trapped, such as if one takes the upper route towards the end of the second act of Endless Mind Zone.
I finally got around to playing as Mighty and there is an issue, not sure if it is a glitch or if it is intended. If Mighty has a shield he can't wall jump more than once. He'll jump on a wall and when he goes to jump on the other wall, in stead of wall jumping, he'll perform the shield's special move. This has the potential to leave the player trapped, such as if one takes the upper route towards the end of the second act of Endless Mind Zone.
Hi, did you hold the to-wall-direction arrow when trying to wall jump? I tried to repeat this bug now (with fire shield), but it is not happened. Also, where it was happened?
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So I played the android version, it ran pretty well! Other than Balloon Park, it ran slowly for some reason, also the controls are a little jarring, probably because i'm used to the sonic 3 A.I.R. controls lol
I'd also like to make some suggestions you could add in future releases, like, maybe you could add the peelout and drop dash to and other features to match 3 A.I.R., also maybe some sort of boss rush, it could just start you near the boss or maybe it would be all in one zone like Egg Gauntlet Zone.
Anyways, it's awesome you ported it to android and what I played was awesome, looking forward to future releases!
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Hi, did you hold the to-wall-direction arrow when trying to wall jump? I tried to repeat this bug now (with fire shield), but it is not happened. Also, where it was happened?
Well I didn't have a shield and held right in the bombing section, but it kept bouncing off the wall and causing me damage so I had to keep tapping right.

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