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Sonic Frenzy Adventure

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Updated to version 1.2

Thanks to ScaleyFox, we managed to fix more than 100 issues. Some levels have been tweaked and some hints are given in key spots.

Sonic Frenzy Adventure was born much before Sonic Worlds was a thing. The game was ambitious, with many fan characters, a huge story line and dozens of levels. Yet, the game fell under it's own weight.
Still, plenty of work was done and, after many years regreting not releasing it, I did what I should have done 10 years ago: deprecate the storyline, and pack all the levels as if it were a Sonic 2 style of game.

And here it is: a retro fangame (if that concept exists) with more than 10 different zones, lots of minibosses and several playable characters.


Do not download the attached file since it's outdated.


Original Features


Overall the ring system in sonic games makes battle situations extremely easy due to how easy is to brute force through. Some mechanics changed in order to address this issue.
  • If you receive a second hit before you get a ring that is not the one you dropped, no rings will appear. This limits your survival to 3 hits in places where there are no rings.
Ring level
There are 4 ring levels: Bronze, silver, golden and hyper. Get one "Ring level Up" monitor to level up. You lose all your levels if you lose one life.
The ring level affects the following features:

  • The number of rings you can recover after a hit (from only 5 at bronze level to 30 at hyper level)
  • The speed of the rings when magneted.
  • At hyper level, rings worth x2.
The shields doesn't provide powers to sonic, but rather, passive effects. Every shield protects you against one hit.
  • Green shield: basic shield with no special powers.
  • Blue shield: allows to breathe underwater
  • Red shield: makes you immune to fire and fire projectiles
  • Pink shield: magnets the rings
  • Purple shield: destroys badniks when lost
  • Gold shield: It has all the properties above. When receiving a hit, it becomes a green shield.
Sonic is the only character able to use these powers by double jumping. Pressing CTRL key allows to switch between the powers. Find the power monitors to unlock the power. All the powers are lost if you lose one life.
  • Flame power: Propels Sonic forward at high speed
  • Wind power: Allows to double jump
  • Water power: Allows for slow falling
  • Earth power: Propels down at high speed. You can bounce high breaking things and break some frail platforms.
  • Light power: Mixture of flame and wind power.
Super Sonic
Only Sonic and the fan character Darkspeed can transform into their super forms.
Find the giant rings hidden in the levels to access the special stages. Complete the special stage to earn one chaos emerald. Get the 7 chaos emeralds to unlock super sonic.

In order to transform into super sonic you need to find one of the giant rings hidden in the level. There are 3 Giant rings on each level.
Each giant ring gives you 20 rings instead of the usual 50.

There are 3 playable characters:
  • Sonic: Uses the powers found in the monitors
  • Tails: Can fly for short periods of time. His flight is more controllable than in the genesis games.
  • Knuckles: Can glide and climb. His movement is more agile than in the genesis games.
Additionally, in the Garbage collection, you will be able to play as two of the fan characters:
  • Darkspeed: Fan character. Can shoot himself in any direction when double jumping. Also, can roll boost by pressing CRTL. He's powerful but also represents the hard mode.
  • Ania: Fan character. Can levitate, shoot energy beams and swim. <- She's probably going to be deprecated.
There are routes exclusive for each character. Some characters even start some levels in different places. Also, some of the bosses have small behavior differences between characters.

Goals and Achievements
The game will keep track of the following:
  • Score: what's your highest score? A game over will reset it to zero. The extra lifes you have at the end of the game will greatly boost your score.
  • Giant rings per level: Each level has 3 giant rings hidden. Can you take them all in one go?
  • Extra level: There's an extra level available once the game has been completed with all the characters. The Maze is a challenge only suitable for the most engaged players who really enjoys exploring every corner of the game. Can you find the 4 different exits?
  • Chao Eggs: Every level has a chao egg hidden somewhere. Can you find them all?
Chao Minigame
All those rings and eggs collected can be used in chao races. Breed your favourite chao and win all the 24 tracks.

Latest reviews

This game, despite being 10 years old is still one of the most beautiful Sonic games, fan made or otherwise, I have ever had the pleasure to play. I have yet to make it passed the second zone, but both the zone backgrounds and their music fit so well together. This will be a game I will pick up again after SAGE ends.


Congratulations on getting this out! I remember playing the demo ages ago, and it feels pretty good to be playing the final product.
Does this game have controller support? I know I can just use joy-to-key, but I feel like the first time I booted up the game it let me choose to use my controller, but I couldn't use it after that. I tried to use crtl+P like the help file said but that just brings up a box that says "Application Paused".
Congratulations on getting this out! I remember playing the demo ages ago, and it feels pretty good to be playing the final product.
Does this game have controller support? I know I can just use joy-to-key, but I feel like the first time I booted up the game it let me choose to use my controller, but I couldn't use it after that. I tried to use crtl+P like the help file said but that just brings up a box that says "Application Paused".
The game was build with the good-old Multimedia Fusion 2, so, it should really work with all the controllers. Also, There was a mistake with the help. Use CTRL+Y. The newly uploaded version should fix the pause errors :)

Ah I remember this game.

So beautiful, classic... And challenging unless you are smart and skillful to get the Chaos Emeralds! :D

I remember playing the demos and loved them, specially the mid boss theme (an epic classic)

@BlueFrenzy if you are reading this congratulations again to complete your game. ;)
Last edited:
Updated for SAGE 2021 with version 1.2
More than 100 bug fixes, some level edits to remove certain bad situations and adding hints.

The maze is now fully playable.
Hello All!
If you downloaded a version previous to the one in August 21st, or you find a problem in Gravity Egg Zone, please redownload the game.
This fangame is AMAZING! Really creative bosses and level design. Blue Frenzy is a genius. Love that this game was completed. Bravo.
Just played through this again (well, until the spectral zone, which is designed less to be played and more to be quit). Sure, almost all the zones rely heavily on rectangular blocks for their graphics, but things still feel nicely different, and it's good to have so many monitors to break open everywhere. Being able to double jump a lot is nice, even after my various shields disappear. Generally just a nice time throughout, even if a lot of the gimmicks are clearly not the classic sonic design. The jungle zone fairly early on is a standout.

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