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SAGE 2020 - Demo Mega Man Y+1 - SAGE2020 Demo

General Information

Take control of Mega Man as you set out to take down 8 (three) rebelling Robot Masters to save the world! With each Robot Master you beat, you get a new Special Weapon to help you on your journey! It's just like Sonic, but with less momentum and more frustration!

- 3 (three) (4-1) levels
- Timber Man! And two other bosses that nobody cares about
- Somewhere between 1 and 5 special weapons
- 2 soundtracks - either select the traditional 8-bit Original soundtrack, or the arranged Complete Works soundtrack! Wait, that doesn't work with the running gag we had going there
- A blue protagonist (when you swap weapons he is not blue physically although he is always blue emotionally :emoji_frowning2:)
- Mortal dog
- Video Game (singular)

Check out our Twitter for updates, or our Discord for slightly more updates and daily arguments over who the best Robot Master is

Stephen Gottier (Bucket)/MiniMacro Sound/An Absolute Loser
Valo/Alm/Rcrdcat/Caliginous/Pegg/Karakato/Ravenour Clark/MiniMacro Sound/PixelEric/MelonadeM/Bucket
Audio (Standard OST):
MelonadeM/Deathro/Littlelamp100/CosmicGem/MiniMacro Sound
Audio (Complete Works Covers):
MelonadeM/HaruMKT/MiniMacro Sound

Latest reviews

the :emoji_hotdog: died

I am huge megaman 8bit fan, I played all of them and also most of hacks and fan game. I've played the demo and Ive got a very good surprise !

The team has perfectly captured the megaman soul for the making of this game. Everything is perfect ! The gameplay, the level design and design of the enemies are typical megaman 8bit. And I appreciated new gimmick that the demo has to offer such as targets to test weapons at the end of the stage when robot master is down, timber man platforms, toxic man colored water , voltman switches and robot master design especially voltman : I love how he splits !!


Along with Megaman : Shattered Diamonds, This game has the highest potential ! If the quality stays the same it can have the same story of Megaman Unlimited. This latter is well known for its quality and its considered as original by many. Their robot master are in MaGMML for example...

I hope it won't be cancelled like some megaman fan games... I am looking forward to playing it !

Thanks for the team and Keep on doing this great game !
Quality of the game is okay so far.
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LM Team
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3.40 star(s) 5 ratings


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