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SAGE 2023 - Demo Sonic Blossom

General Information

warning: Somme description you see are not totaly added yet and can be changed
this demo can have some bug

-the checkpoint not work and d'ont go in to get to the bonus stage because its gonna restart the game
Sonic Blossom


When you chose you save you can chose 2 story, the story with Sonic and tails and the story with the 2 new character

Each zone contain 2 act but sometime it can be 3 or 1 act
Dr eggman use his new machine to find a new crystal powerfull like the chaos emeral
he find on a island called blossom island that look like japan
eggman decided to exploit the island its also feature new vilan Bark and maybe Bean
Sonic tails, and 2 new character have to stop eggman to not use the new crystal
-bambou wood zone
-mystical forest zone
-arid frozen zone

-aquatic luck zone
-paint factory zone
-candy sweet zone
-festival city zone

-cavern brick zone

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I liked the title screen in the game. Good graphics and music, beautiful effects. But right after the title screen the problems started:

— The physics engine is not bad, but it is used poorly. It has problems with collisions, the sloping parts of the green vegetative paths have a strict collision, while the straight parts have a platform collision.
In the end, where I should jump onto the sloping path and land on top, Sonic just run upside down and falls where the straight part begins.
— Loud and horrible white noise after ending music in first level.
— On the place with windmill a bug occured that moved me through wall on very beginning of level.

After that, music was returned, Sonic was disappeared on the left side of the screen and I can't do anything.

When I restarted the game, there was no music at Bamboo Woods at all. I wanted to complete the game, but then that bug with moving to the beginning of level happened again and so I exit the game.

I understand how difficult it is to make the game and check it for the bugs, but it should be better checked before showing it to the public!

I hope everything works out next year. Good luck!
I really understand the bug and the rates
I could not fix all the problems that I saw when I tested especially for the first time


not a bad game, my only feedback is level design in act 2 being confusing at the ball part and background blending with the foreground. also you accidentally left .001 files of your game which are clickteam backup files and can be opened, found some questionable shit in special stage frame LOL
not a bad game, my only feedback is level design in act 2 being confusing at the ball part and background blending with the foreground. also you accidentally left .001 files of your game which are clickteam backup files and can be opened, found some questionable shit in special stage frame LOL
holy crap
i will do rigth now a small update about this bc i d'ont want to be tweeted about this thing like the easter egg in sonic classic 2 but its maybe too late
but yea the act 2 is not the proud part for me
holy crap
i will do rigth now a small update about this bc i d'ont want to be tweeted about this thing like the easter egg in sonic classic 2 but its maybe too late
but yea the act 2 is not the proud part for me
too bad St.Nick already did :(

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2.00 star(s) 1 ratings


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