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The Great Frebbventure (SAGE '21) [0.4.1!]

General Information

In a world gone wild, there's only one animal who's man enough to put his foot down! All the grumpy Frebb wanted was a good night's sleep every now and then, but when he learns the mac daddy of the planet is making his centennial celebration a year-long rave, he unwittingly declares an all-out war. Take control of Frebb and his growing cast of reluctant 'friends' as they traverse beautiful but hostile territory, crash deceptively insidious parties, and bash through the sycophantic minions of unscrupulous celebrity villains!

If you ever wondered how a Kirby inspired action-platformer would play if you ditched the copy gimmicks and smashed the speedometer, Frebbventure is the game for you! With four playable characters, you've got plenty of movesets to master, and a variety of special bonus medals will reward you for learning the levels, too. Collect them all to unlock bonus stages, and peel back the layers of a shocking secret.

Beware on your quest, as Ulcethot has many friends in high places. A colorful rogue's gallery of boss characters and monsters are waiting around every corner to thwart Frebb's efforts, so never let your guard down and always be prepared for the worst!

The tricky platforming and countless hectic boss fights might get a bit overwhelming at times, but fear not, because an imaginative and humorous plot (that's still not afraid to raise the stakes!) is there to accompany you through. Frebbventure explores and lampoons the absurdity of culturally-approved rebellion and mass-market edginess through a manipulatively hip villain, a mercilessly unindulgent hero, and a comically mismatched supporting cast.

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This game is pretty good! I played it for an hour and a half and I haven't even finished the demo yet!

1- The game looks and functions pretty well
2- The story is unique and interesting
3- The overall gameplay is pretty fun!
1- the game especially with the main character can fill incredibly janky with his movements.
2- The environment often feels too crowded for your movements and you'll often be forced to slow down when going through tight areas.
3- Some of the level designs are either too confusing or just downright bad.

Overall I'd say give this game a try as long as you don't mind its janky movements.
Thanks for the feedback, but this year's SAGE '22 0.5 demo is already out! Among other things the controls were tightened up a fair bit, though they might still need some fine tuning before release.
im playing this game and im stuck on a level called fantastic sewage and i dont know what to do after i get the first checkpoint. i shot at all the enemies but the purple electric barrier wont unlock.


I played this last night after downloading based on the animation you have showcased here. I was pleasantly surprised by the quality of the writing here. A great and promising 2D game that seems to be inspired by Donkey Kong Country and Sonic! Little issues that could enhance the experience would include Fullscreen (I couldn't figure it out if it had one) and Switch controller support. Keep up the good work!
This is weird and kooky enough for me to actually try. The characters selection really helps too.

After playing the game, i really look forward to getting the full package. The story is pretty engaging but has some pacing issues towards the end of the run, but far from a deal-breaker. The SFX and sound design is great. The moves are plentiful and takes some time to master. My favorite attack is still the rocket launcher, cuz it's a fkin' a rocket launcher. The levels introduce more and more bs like spams of spikes and pits, like they were designed by Dimps. I would also love to have a gems radar, cuz there've been a handful of times were i literally missed one gem, and i wanna make sure the game loads them in right. Im a fan of the music in the game too. It's good enough to speedrun and I look forward to doing that.
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