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Demo Rayman SNES Prototype Recreation (Working Title)



In this game, you're playing as Rayman, the electronic limbless being created by Professor Hendrix as a gift for his nephew Jimmy, who got sucked into his computer while he was creating his digital kingdom known as the Hereitscool, which gets infected with a computer virus. However, there are only a couple of levels, if it's a demo of course. This is made just for practice of using Clickteam Fusion! I'll promise next time if you ask me a full game.

This game doesn't not support the gamepad, better played with the keyboard.

Increase your fist power by collecting power capsules and acquire special powers, you can become invisible to enemies, a bouncy ball, the shield that circles around you and the power that WIPES OUT ALL ENEMIES! And if you want to avoid some obstacles, collect energy capsules to protect yourself from fire, explosions, and the falling objects that will crush you, or physical contact with enemies (except for bosses), does not regard to water hence Rayman does not swim.

Some powers and objects are represented by icon on the center, in addition a question mark is on the very right, an additional power, you can use it if necessary to defeat the tougher enemy.

A - Jump
S - Shoot Fist\Charge
D - Run
Z - Activate Power


For further notice in mid 2023, this game is still in progress with hard work of programming and art, Rayman will be playable next year and hopefully. In 2024, there will be one more demo with a couple of improvments and fixed bugs and of course... new unique levels that aren't present in the prototype, but rather the early Jaguar builds of the final Rayman.

Warning: Sometimes a crash may occur if you pause the game too many times (more or less).

If you are streaming games with OBS and Stream Labs, you cannot capture the game itself via "Game Capture", otherwise the game will crash if you unpause the game due to Sub-App, use "Window Capture" instead.


A fangame created by Tape and ItzalDrake and made with Clickteam Fusion Developer 2.5

Rayman is created by Ubisoft; Michel Ancel and Frédéric Houde
  • All sprites ripped by RayCarrot
  • Programming by Tape, Lanto
  • Sprites by Tape and ItzalDrake
  • Raygirl animations by ItzalDrake
  • Music by Tape and TheSEGAnerd
  • Recreated Animations by Droolie
  • 3D Cover art by Mae


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