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Project Overview


Experience speed and sound, featuring the songs made by YOU guys!
Simple but addicting rhythm gameplay takes you through the history of the franchise.

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Latest reviews

I love this game! The remixes are amazing, and the style is great!
...However, there are some complaints that I want to address:
  • While the graphics are amazing, when viewed on a medium-sized monitor, they blend together, causing my vision to become blurry, making me miss lots of notes.
  • Speaking of the speed of the notes, whenever you do very well and get your character to reach their next top speed, the note speed changes, meaning that it no longer syncs with the notes. Whenever this happened, I always finished the song with notes still ahead of my ring thing. It doesn't seem to affect my score, however.
  • While I understand that making music is tough, and that the game isn't finished yet, there are some tracks quite obviously missing from the soundtrack. I wish I could list them, but I hit the word limit.
Não consigo baixar no meu celular 😔
After the update came out for this this game is incredibly smooth and fun to play and i am probably going to spend hours s ranking every song. my only gripe would be that the sprites look bad at a higher resolution or when i am playing full screen
Like others have said, I love the concept and I had fun, but the key detection needs work. Presses can go undetected for a whole .5 second. And some higher res graphics would be nice too. I'd have to play on a 144hz screen for my eyes to not hurt.
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Hopefully the new update touches on this issue so that you can enjoy it now! :D


Anyone else having issues with this one's download failing after every 6 MB due to a network error and having to manually click resume?
*Version 2 now available!* I touched up the hit detection. I'll be taking a look at smoothing out the screen and touching on some of the other issues in the future! Thanks everyone!
Definitely an interesting concept. The presentation is great, but everything feels very compressed. Also, it was probably just me being slightly tired, but I got dizzy trying to follow the very fast inputs zooming across the screen. It would probably be fine on something like a GBA or phone screen, but I'd personally love to see a higher resolution version with a little more FOV because I love the art and I really want to like this game.
I downloaded the .apk for mobile multiple times, and when I tried to install the app it just said "App not installed.". I don't know why this happened, but if it's an error with the .apk, please fix it.
I downloaded the .apk for mobile multiple times, and when I tried to install the app it just said "App not installed.". I don't know why this happened, but if it's an error with the .apk, please fix it.
Probably because you don't have enough space on your phone. Same thing happened to me and it turns out that there wasn't enough space, so I had to delete some things.

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3.38 star(s) 8 ratings

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