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Christmas SAGE 2023 Birdo's Holiday Brawl

Es un juego muy bonito, me encanta tener a birdo de protagonista, sencillo y divertido

aunque no esta libre de fallitos, puede sentirse algo facil para el tipo de juego que es, estos titulos de puntuacion dificil tienden a ponerse un poco mas complicados poco a poco pero aca no lo senti asi

aun asi esta interesante y me encanto la idea, aspiro a ver mas titulos como este
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Reactions: Super Squidoodle
Really big fan of this one! It's super fun to play, like a version of Mario Clash that's WAY cuter and doesn't hurt your eyes! The sprites are really good, as if they came out of a later era NES title. I also really gotta hand it to the music. Mario 2 Christmas remixes is just what I needed to brighten up the season!

Gonna be playing much more of this in the future! Great work!
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Reactions: Super Squidoodle