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SAGE 2022 - Demo Amy's Rascal Race

Very interesting take on the gameplay, but as you stated, it's in a very early state. There is no way I can get into detail to explain, since of how short this demo is, but my only complaints right now are that the performance depends too much on a single-core CPU (I use 3.10GHz dual-core for reference) and so the performance is kinda choppy but still playable. And the twirl mechanic can be abused 'till the end unless you have to jump through gaps as twirling makes your character stick on the surface you were standing on. Anyway, a very rough demo with very rough everything. Very interested to see what this project will be like in the future.
Thank you for the fair review, I have the twirl mechanic (along with it's surface binding) on cue to be worked on, but the performance issue confuses me, could I get some more info on that? was a screen tearing the issue you were experiencing? or was it a slow down in fps? also which version did you use? I know the windows version has a ton of problems, and I cannot test it without a family member's help right now, my apologies for that, the mac version at least I know was tested and built on a 1.7 GHZ i5 CPU and it runs at a almost steady 30 fps, if it is the windows version, I am going to either have put a warning on it or take it down for the time being
For your sake, I've decided to download a program to show my overlay, so I can record how the game plays and what is affected the most in terms of CPU and GPU power. Hope it helps.
yes it does thank you, wow, thats bad, it's indeed the windows Panda3d port again, I am truly sorry you had to go through that, the windows port of all my games suffer half speed permanence regardless of PC rigs, I have tried and still am trying to find a workaround of the poor optimizations of the windows port, I was sure it was at least playable, because some the optimization techniques showed promise, but this is inexcusable, I will take down the windows port right away and add it's fixing to the cue, thank you for your help and sorry about that.