Well, it's time to introduce a hack I've been working on now for a couple of months, a basic ASM hack known as Sonic 1: REV02!
Doesn't introduce anything "new" per se, rather improves on what is already there (as in, bug fixes and such). However, there are also new things as well as bug fixes, such as...
...a remade level select, programmed to behave like the Sonic 2 Simon Wai beta!
The Spin Dash, so you can get out of tough situations with ease! (and going even faster because the speed caps are removed!)
The horrible Labyrinth Zone crash glitch being completely fixed! (yes, I did use debug mode to get there as I added a vertical scroll delay for the spin dash)
Improved fading routines! Here's an image of the title screen fading out compared with the original game, at the same moment:
Not to mention one of the main features that makes this version the definitive version! The spike bug is gone!
And many more, that you can discover yourself!
But yeah, I just implemented every single fix I could find off of the Sonic Community Hacking Guide onto a Hivebrain disassembly (credit to everybody who wrote the guides). I hope you enjoy it.
EDIT 7/11/18: Well, my hack hates me because something happened and now I can't build anymore because apparently almost everything in the _maps folder is pretty much corrupted. And that really sucks because I got a lot of improved stuff for this next version. I'm gonna see if I can get it to work with the downloadable source, so there probably won't be a version 2 anytime soon.
ANOTHER EDIT 1/4/21: Idk if yall have seen the remainder of this thread yet but for those who haven't bothered, i am remaking this hack with new things. It's a bit complicated because i'm not tracking what i haven't fixed yet unlike the original hack, but i will probably get it done.
Doesn't introduce anything "new" per se, rather improves on what is already there (as in, bug fixes and such). However, there are also new things as well as bug fixes, such as...
...a remade level select, programmed to behave like the Sonic 2 Simon Wai beta!
The Spin Dash, so you can get out of tough situations with ease! (and going even faster because the speed caps are removed!)
The horrible Labyrinth Zone crash glitch being completely fixed! (yes, I did use debug mode to get there as I added a vertical scroll delay for the spin dash)
Improved fading routines! Here's an image of the title screen fading out compared with the original game, at the same moment:
Not to mention one of the main features that makes this version the definitive version! The spike bug is gone!
And many more, that you can discover yourself!
But yeah, I just implemented every single fix I could find off of the Sonic Community Hacking Guide onto a Hivebrain disassembly (credit to everybody who wrote the guides). I hope you enjoy it.
EDIT 7/11/18: Well, my hack hates me because something happened and now I can't build anymore because apparently almost everything in the _maps folder is pretty much corrupted. And that really sucks because I got a lot of improved stuff for this next version. I'm gonna see if I can get it to work with the downloadable source, so there probably won't be a version 2 anytime soon.
ANOTHER EDIT 1/4/21: Idk if yall have seen the remainder of this thread yet but for those who haven't bothered, i am remaking this hack with new things. It's a bit complicated because i'm not tracking what i haven't fixed yet unlike the original hack, but i will probably get it done.
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