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I will make your fangame a completely free OST in Sonic 3 style


Green Hill Zone
Jun 21, 2023
hello everyone! I'm energeticsate as my name may say.


i'm a composer of Sonic 3-styled genesis music. (at least, i use the SF2 for it). I'm def not a professional composer and i won't claim to be, but it's been such a dream of mine to work on a sonic fangame. I love working on projects with other people, it's just...what i like to do. The idea of being part of a team unit and creating a product that people genuinely enjoy really...energizes me lol.

So i'm not asking for any money, i'm just asking for quality and passion (and a credit).

If you're a fangame creator and you'd like a free (yes, free) full ost for your fangame, then first read up on my rules in this video;

And also, check out my portfolio; i have a Sonic 3 AIR mod that is entirely composed by myself and is fully complete except for the 2P tracks;
If you don't wanna wait though, I attached a few of my best to this post.

(and this is the trailer which also has a few previews)


if everything about this is clicking with you, then please DM me on Discord! That's the most reliable way to get in contact with me. Thank you for considering me!


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Story Teller
Jun 20, 2023
I know you said no Scratch games, but I just finished up a huge Sonic scratch game and am thinking about creating a sequel, if that were to be the case, would you mind making one song for a stage?


Green Hill Zone
Jun 21, 2023
I know you said no Scratch games, but I just finished up a huge Sonic scratch game and am thinking about creating a sequel, if that were to be the case, would you mind making one song for a stage?
I can do one, I suppose. energeticsate#6218

How do I contact you on discord cause I’m interested
I specified sonic fangames only, i had a look at your profile and I don't think it is one, sorry