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I found a jump-breaking glitch in the Bumper Engine--anyone know how to fix it?


Press Start Screen
Dec 24, 2018
I'm making my debut on this site's forums after following it for over a decade now! That is largely because I'm a fledgling Unity developer who got back into Sonic recently. I was delighted to discover the Bumper Engine, and for a young engine it's a great start! I have, however, noticed one glitch affecting something the creator included in it, and so it's possible other people have encountered this, too. Hopefully, that means it will be easy to fix.

So anyway, this bug afflicts moving platforms. Most directions, they're just fine, but things went bad when I tried jumping off one that was going down and flung myself into lava!

The reason jumping seems to be impossible from a platform that is moving down is that fall actions are being triggered; at least for too long of a period before they touch the platform again. The included screenshot might be hard to interpret, but that's what it shows; look at Sonic's feet and you might notice he's in his falling pose. Fixing this should make the characters jump correctly in such a situation, but I haven't figured out how, though I tried hard. A big issue is I don't know what exactly triggers the fall actions in this engine; there's a lot to go through and unfortunately I'm not skilled enough yet in Unity to know what to look for.

Still, it seems like it should be a basic issue for more experienced people; particularly those with Bumper Engine experience. So please take a shot at this one.



Marble Zone
Sep 7, 2018
The bumper engine needs to have you using the moving plataform script done by them + a moving plataform tag. there's a moving plataform prefab that you can use for reference.

basically they use that to make sonic move togheter with the plataform. now you can work with it or change the plataform interaction on the objects interaction C# script


Press Start Screen
Dec 24, 2018
I thank you for this advice, but it still isn't fully working. Whatever checks for the moving platform collision seems not to be checking well enough. If you know what checks for that, please tell me; if not, I can probably figure it out.


Press Start Screen
Dec 24, 2018
I am double-posting because I actually did some research into this problem, and what I've discovered is frustrating, but interesting. I had already discovered one thing in this engine that seems to have references in the code but isn't fully implemented; grinding on rails. This isn't really relevant, except that it seems that moving platforms, and the alteration of player vectors based on touching them, haven't really been implemented either. I have included some pictures documenting this, listed top to bottom:
1) I added a public bool, "onMover", for testing purposes, and stuck it into the events that are supposed to trigger based upon the collision with objects marked tagged as Moving Platforms.
2) I selected the platform Mighty is standing upon to verify that it is tagged as a Moving Platform. (I am trying out different characters just in case they have different collision values; so far not.) You may note that I left the movement script out of it for this test, as I was interested to see if the fault lay in collision tests themselves.
3) In this picture I selected Mighty; verifying that being on the platform does not turn on his "On Mover" bool. I am not sure why, but it seems that at least, we have isolated the weakest link in this chain!



Press Start Screen
Dec 24, 2018
I finally figured out what was going wrong, by looking at the prefab moving platform. This should have been obvious to me; it needs a child object set as a trigger, since trigger objects don't have mass. It is fixed now. Thanks for the help.