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SAGE 2023 - Complete Sonic and the Gunslinger

I haven't played SRB2 in close to 20 years at this point and it's crazy to see the kind of stuff that can be built with it now...

I really like the attempt at making this feel like a storybook game with adventure-ish gameplay, it worked really well imo.
Levels are fun to go through (except those water wheel jumps, incredibly painful even with the bubble shield :') ) and I appreciate the attempt at giving each sonic level its own small gimmick to keep things fresh.
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quite a cute and enjoyable mod! just wish it was easier to play it in a vanilla copy of srb2.
Thank you! I have plans to adapt some of the levels as standalone levels for all characters, in the meantime Calamity Canyon is available here

Great execution!
Thank you!
This game turned out to be a lot better than I expected, honestly! It really shows that a lot of effort and care was put into this. The voice acting is a great addition, also. I've never seen anything like it in SRB2! The only thing i can think of to improve it would be to give it some more visual polish- some more detailed textures and expansive skyboxes can go a long way.
The game's great. I was having a blast throughout the western world and even the ending is quite a surprise.

If I do have some complaints. Trying to land on some platforms as Sonic can be a pain, since the momentum keeps making me slide off platforms. Another problem is that if you set the camera to automatic, you'll have a hard time trying to focus on where you wanted to land or go. Especially with one boss in particular.
Thanks for the positive review!

In some areas where there is very precise platforming (eg. River Rapids) I've placed bubble shields to help. (The bounce is useful.) Some of these shields are a bit hidden and out of the way.

The game is definitely meant for keyboard and mouse-controlled camera, which is partly why I disabled gamepad controls by default. I haven't tried to play with gamepad or keyboard myself.