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First and foremost it has to be said that Hoptix is a visually stunning game. The backgrounds are absolutely breathtaking! I would set either of the two stages' background, especially the one of the Autumn forest as my computer's wallpaper. I have to ask, is it inspired by Mushroom Hill Zone? When I first saw it, it was the first thing that came to mind!
The music is just as impressive and I believe the tracks complement the stages perfectly!
The game play is fun, but to be honest, I prefer the free play option. With no restrictions in play, the beautiful backgrounds, and the amazing music, Hoptix will become one of my comfort games.
I look forward to coming back to this demo after SAGE and I look forward to seeing more of this project!
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Cat Burglar Games
Hey thank you so much! To answer your question, Bright Autumn wasn't consciously inspired by Mushroom Hill, but that's been one of my favorite sonic environments for decades and I'm sure it's part of hoptix's DNA in that way.

Between you and me, and the people who read comment chains on reviews, free play's my favorite too. We are kindred spirits! Really appreciate the support :)
Dug out my gamepad and gave the demo a whirl. Loved it! I wanna start with the main character, Rocket. Maybe it's just cause I love bunnies, but they're really cute! They have a really well animated sprite too, which really helps sell the sense of speed the game goes for! Just the act of running around is fun, and it feels like a lost Saturn game!

The two levels included are both really unique. The first one is an autumn themed level that's, simply put, cozy! But the second level, Glitterfest, is the true stand out here. It's a city themed stage that takes place in winter, and it really wowed me! The backgrounds are particularly great here, but I gotta shout out the music too!

All in all, this demo is a very promising start to what feels like a great game. Fun to look at, fun to listen to, fun to play!
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Mixing Sonic Advance with Super Smash Bros Melee movement tech is a sweeter combination than chocolate and peanut butter. Learning and pathing the quickest and most stylish ways through target breaking challenges is incredibly satisfying, and it helps that the game controls so smoothly too! Keep an eye on this one, it's going places.
Fun, fast, and once you figure out the "combat" movement properly it's very fun! But... eh... yeah, unfortunately didn't manage to keep me up with it.

The weirdly wet, sloppy stepping sounds made me veeery quickly open the sound settings and turn the "Other Volume" down to 0. But then I got back into the game and damn, the slimy stepping sounds are still there. Alright well, tried lowering "Music Volume" then, and with BOTH volumes at 0 the stepping sounds are stiiiill theeeere. My bud also found the grinding sound very ear murdering, sooo for that reason too we just left the "Other Volume" to 0 regardless.

The little targeting crosshair thing appearing at targets BEFORE you can actually home/dash at em was also a bit... well, annoying. I'm fine with that happening, but I do wish it maybe changed colors or something when I actually am able to dash in.

But uh yeah really, I honestly just wish there was more to do than just first run fast in a straight-ish line and then play Break the Targets from Smash Bros.

Oh and, a lil bug. Or maybe a feature like we joked?
Cat Burglar Games
Thanks for the review! The volume settings not affecting the running sound is definitely a bug. Being able to slide backwards when landing on a backward-facing slope is indeed a feature!

The feedback on targets is interesting, thanks. The idea is that the crosshair is there to point out when an object is interactable with the bash button well ahead of time so that you can plan your route beforehand, but I might try out something with multiple crosshair indicators so it's easier to tell when you're actually in range, like a color change as you said.

The core idea is that we hope people will slow down and enjoy using the movement mechanics to explore the levels in their own way, but obviously that's not a concept that will click with everyone. Thanks for giving it a shot anyway!
Metalsonic3 // Jargonfox
Metalsonic3 // Jargonfox
I do actually dig the "use the movement mechanics in your own way" sorta aspect, it's definitely very nice! Thooo yeah, wish it was more than just hunting for targets and breaking em. Maybe some areas whre you gotta climb vertical areas using interactable points or something without needing to worry about missing targets would work, hmm... But yeah, the movement is definitely great, hope you keep up with it and even build on it further!