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SAGE 2023 - Demo Cosmogelica

A vertical scrolling shooter gaem with furry and gel. The overall impression is that it's very polished, down to pixels. It gives a very cheerful vibe that is the right mix between relaxing and excitement, right from the start when you hear a cool marching 8-bit style music with a sense of wonder. It's actually surprised that Roxanne, the dev, handled almost everything, since it's all so well done and has snappyness. Aside from the voice lines where it feels like Roxy is embarrased of self even if they sound cute.

Man, all the ways that menu sway around and just make you happy. And those options have everything, including lotsa borders and whatever and many orientations to scare desktop users and uhhhhh and even it has a drawing scene for some reason?? Good job. All the fun portraits too.

I really like how the gameplay feels. It's not like 16-bit shooters that I played, it's more like a fancier bullethell, but in casual way. It has small hitboxes and bullet pattern that make my eyes go all over the screen as it loses sights of everything, but instead of just avoiding hell of bullets, you have these new powerup tricks, including the titular gels that also change property based on level. Don't want to accidentally become an average Touhou gamer as you see a wave of bullets approaching? Just shoot barrier gel in front of you. Yeaaaa, it actually adds extra depth to all the powerups.

Plus the core is just that good. Fun to destroy enemies, fast, snappy, all the patterns to master. Health system that creates stress without making it too hard. Things I like such as not having to shoot powerups to change their types. Fits my taste pretty well. Though for perfect fit I would have liked ground-based tanks. But gel mechanics have to fit.

Albeit I don't quite understand the spinning powerup, the part where you sometimes get hit. Still haven't figured it out.

Cool shaders too without destroying my laptop, looks great. Frankly, impressive how cool yet retro fitting gels are.

Story mode ought to be fun when final comes out. Good job demo, not letting me get too comfortable.

i gel with thtis gaem 9 9 add violence
Thank you so much, I'm glad you enjoyed it!!

The Deflector power is only active when the barrier is on screen, so for a few frames at the end of spinning, bullets can hit you
This game is great on all fronts! The creative gameplay mechanics have a lot of depth and the abilities the game gives you are great fun to work with. The visuals and audio are also very polished and well-made. Can't wait to see more of this game in the future!
Thank you so much!!!! I'm glad you liked it!
Cosmogelica is one of the best shoot 'em ups I've ever played! I love the cosmic gel mechanic and I think it is a nice touch that adds a really unique dimension to the genre! I also love the bonus modes, and that's something I don't normally see with shoot 'em ups! I have to say, I am really digging the art! There is a grown place in my heart for games done in a Game Boy style and your title is a big reason for that. Lastly, I really loved the music. it really captured the Game Boy sound perfectly! Some of the songs even reminded me of the music from Pokemon G/S/C and that gave me a much appreciated nostalgia rush!
I look forward to coming back to this demo after SAGE and I can't wait to check out the full game!
Thank you so much!! 💚💚