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Sound Test
Oct 2, 2019
Hello, world! It's Coderman64 here! I've been playing around with Linux again, and was thinking that some of the people in the community may want a summary of Linux support amongst this year's SAGE I've started a list!

Most of these games were not tested thoroughly, just booting up the first few seconds before moving on to the next game. Keep that in mind if you encounter bugs a while in to your playthrough!

If you want to help out, comment about your experience with running an entry on Linux, and give it a rating (see below). I'll try to keep the list up-to-date with your responses.

If we can test all of them, maybe I'll post this in the articles section...

Levels of compatibility:
Native - has a specific build for Linux that works
Borked Native - has a specific build for Linux that doesn't work (also test the Windows version under Proton, pls)

Web - web-browser-based game. Should work under Linux if it works under other OSes

Platinum - works well, no problems
Gold - works well with few fixes, or has minor performance issues
Silver - requires large fixes, or has major performance issues
Bronze - has possibly game-breaking bugs that are Linux-specific
Borked - Doesn't work at all/crashes on startup

Please don't blame the developers for low compatibility, especially if Proton is being used. This is an unsupported way of running the game, to say the least, so consider good linux compatibility to be a nice bonus rather than something that is expected of people.
I ran all of these on a Microsoft Surface running Kubuntu 21.04. The Proton compatibility layer (through Steam) was used for games that do not natively support Linux.

A new spark (Proton 6.3)
Platinum - works as well as it works. Seriously, that motion blur tho...maybe try doing a vignette effect where it only happens around the edges? (Coderman64)

ARK (Proton 6.3)
Gold - only runs at about 30fps on my PC for some reason. The low framerate might be causing some physics issues...I'd consider moving more stuff to FixedUpdate if you haven't already. (Coderman64)

Battle Cross FEVER
Platinum - works almost flawlessly under Proton 6.3 from what I could see. Wasn't able to test thoroughly due to not having a player 2. (Coderman64)

BrazSonic 20XX
Platinum - our Brazillian boy runs beautifully under Proton 6.3. (Coderman64)

Chaos Dynasty Honey
Silver - unfortunately, this one has some rather large performance issues under Proton (as I expect most 3D entries will have). I think it's about 5fps once you get into the actual game, though I also couldn't get an FPS overlay working. Still, it does launch, so I'll give it that. (Coderman64)

Dr. Robotnik's Badnik Quarrel
Borked - launches, but text boxes and logging do not work (CyanLime - Discord)

Emerald Ties
Platinum - works almost flawlessly under Proton 6.3 (Coderman64)
Borked - Shader errors (mainline WINE branch and compatibility) (Sslaxx - SFGHQ)

Five Nights at Sonic's Side Story Act 1 [SAGE Demo]
Platinum - PlayOnLinux (coderman64)

Forces of Mobius (Final Edition 2021)
Platinum - PlayOnLinux (coderman64)

Frogger 2
Platinum - runs well under PlayOnLinux. Doesn't seem to have window decoration under KDE for some reason (Coderman64)

Hedge Spin (demo)
Platinum - works almost flawlessly under Proton 6.3 (Coderman64)

mo) Isekai Mario
Gold - works well under PlayOnLinux, however has some performance issues on my potato laptop. May just be my potato laptop (Coderman64)

Linum Framework (demo)
Web - Platinum (coderman64)

Luigi and the Quest for Nothing 2
Platinum - tested in PlayOnLinux (coderman64)

Not so Simple Sonic Advance 2 Worlds
Platinum - works almost flawlessly under Proton 6.3 (Coderman64)

Power Bomberman
Platinum (FrogJB - SFGHQ)

Sonic Evo
Native - Platinum - Just run "Sonic Evo" instead of "" (Coderman64)

Sonic EXP
Web - Platinum - oh, look! It's an awesome, amazing fan game made by someone familiar...wonder who it is... (Coderman64 - Developer)

Sonic Riders X
Platinum - works well under proton (CyanLime - Discord)

Sonic RPG
Borked - OpenAL error message (mainline WINE branch and compatibility) (Sslaxx - SFGHQ)

Sonic Rush 3D
Gold - works under Proton 6.3 with slow performance. Maybe a potato computer issue, though this seems to be a pattern with Unity games. (Coderman64)

Sonic Triple Trouble (16-bit)
Platinum - works almost flawlessly in Proton 6.3 (Coderman64)
Platinum - works well under proton (CyanLime - Discord)

Original Games
63 Little Pieces
Platinum - works almost flawlessly in Proton 6.3 and PlayOnLinux (Coderman64)

Buck Up And Drive
Native (CyanLime - discord)

Cosmic Boll
Platinum (FrogJB - SFGHQ)

David Get Keen
Gold - Stability (Game freezes if I click off window) (FrogJB - SFGHQ)

Eversleep: Lunistice Gaiden
Platinum (FrogJB - SFGHQ)

Fech the Ferret
Native - seems to be working so far (RaoulWB - Developer)
Platinum (FrogJB - SFGHQ) (I think this is before the official Linux build? - Coderman64)

Illusion Spectre
Platinum (FrogJB - SFGHQ)

Project Rascal
Native (CyanLime - discord)
Gold - Performance (30ish FPS). Don't know if it's the norm for these specs? (FrogJB - SFGHQ)

Go! Go! PogoGirl
Gold/Platinum - The Developer (and0) has received multiple reports that this game runs well under wine (and0 - Discord)

Out-Class Hunter
Borked - did not work out of box (maybe tweaking will help but I have not tried) (FrogJB - SFGHQ)
Borked - claimed my system does not have direct x 12 support. After messing around with wine a bit, it went to straight out crashing. Looking at the page, seems that some Windows users have had issues with this error message as well. (Coderman64)

The Great Frebbventure
Borked - did not work out of box (maybe tweaking will help but I have not tried) (FrogJB - SFGHQ)
Borked - PlayOnLinux's default configuration doesn't seem to work, either. It comes up with a GameMaker error dialog claiming it as a syntax error, but is likely due to compatibility issues, I think... (Coderman64)

Sonic Riders DX
Platinum - works fine as it just runs through Dolphin (Cyan Lime - Discord)

Flow Engine
Web/Native - Platinum - this engine (made by someone familiar again...) is based on Godot, which not only exports to Web and Linux but also has editors for both! The demo is currently web-only, but don't be afraid to download the (completely free) engine to try it out yourself! (Coderman64 - Developer)

Orbinaut Framework (demo)
Platinum - works almost flawlessly under Proton 6.3 (Coderman64)

I'm still working through the games. Feel free to post your own experiences if you want to help out!
Last edited:


Press Start Screen
Jul 15, 2021
My specs:
size: 32GiB
product: AMD Ryzen 9 3900X 12-Core Processor
vendor: Advanced Micro Devices [AMD]
capacity: 3800MHz
Radeon RX 570X
- 8GB mem

These are the games I have played under wine-6.14. All work Out-of-box:
  • Power Bomberman
    • Plat
  • Eversleep
    • Plat
  • Project Rascal
    • Gold - Performance (30ish FPS). Don't know if its the norm for these specs?
  • Fech the Ferret
    • Plat
  • Illusion Spectre
    • Plat
  • Cosmic Boll
    • Plat
  • David Get Keen
    • Gold - Stability ( Game freezes if i click off window)
Games that did not work out of box (maybe tweaking will help but i have not tried):
  • Frebbventure
  • Out Class Hunter


Marble Zone
Sep 8, 2017
Malvern, UK
This is super cool! So if I do a linux distribution of Sonic RPG, you will test it?
That would be much appreciated. The Windows version works with WINE only for a few minutes before crashing out with an OpenAL error message.

Also, I use the mainline WINE branch and compatibility - so far - hasn't been too bad, though I've only stuck with 2D games as yet, other than for Sonic RPG and Emerald Ties which has shader errors.


Press Start Screen
Sep 30, 2017
I use Arch Linux and i have a Core 2 Duo CPU, 2gb ram, and a Geforce 210 with 1gb vram
So far i've only tried out 2 games:

Sonic Classic 2 runs out of the box but has performance issues, could just be my hardware though. (Silver)

Emerald Ties works but i have to run it with the -force-d3d9 flag or i get a black screen. (Gold)

I used standard Wine to run both games, haven't tried Proton.


I am.... all of me
Oct 26, 2020
I personally use windows, but I did have a question. Are there enough people on here using Linux to where I should consider compiling another build of my thing?
I don't wanna have to dig through to find the original file for the demo, but I will if it is a large enough demographic.


Sound Test
Oct 2, 2019
I personally use windows, but I did have a question. Are there enough people on here using Linux to where I should consider compiling another build of my thing?
I don't wanna have to dig through to find the original file for the demo, but I will if it is a large enough demographic.
That's actually a good question. Maybe someone should put together a SFGHQ poll. The only problem is getting enough participation, as many people only show up during SAGE, and then don't look at SFGHQ for the rest of the year.


Green Hill Zone
Aug 23, 2021
That's actually a good question. Maybe someone should put together a SFGHQ poll. The only problem is getting enough participation, as many people only show up during SAGE, and then don't look at SFGHQ for the rest of the year.
I think HTML files work in Linux


Marble Zone
Jun 18, 2019
Sorry folks, I've tried several approaches to make a Linux build, but it seems like it'll take a lot of effort and Linux specific exp which I don't have :L.

If anyone has experience making a Love2D linux distro, plz let me know! I could use some help :P


Green Hill Zone
Aug 23, 2021
My game is made in scratch, but I would like to make it an executable, which I found a way to do. I can say 100% that the game will be released for Mac, Windows, and Linux, but the SAGE Demo is different.
Mine is made in scratch/turbowarp also