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SAGE 2022 - Demo Tamiigi and the War O' Bunnies (SAGE '22 DEMO)

alright so to make final thoughts of the game, I do think there's a lot of potential and I am always up for some kirby style games, I do like what you have going for. the graphics are certainly cute and I love the presentation.
but I also have a lot of complains, the controls can be a bit slippery or too stiff, it's hard to describe, and I didn't realize there was a run button since it wasn't taught in the tutorial, also it's R2, I would rather it if it was circle/the west button instead, albeit this will most likely be solved when the configuration menu works properly, also while the first boss is actually clever, the second boss is a piece of cake and easily cheeseable, I would like that one to be more challenging.
also speaking of music, I have noticed that it doesn't loop, it just ends abruptly and when I enter a room it starts all over again.
overall, the game is flawed but is not bad, I do say you still put a lot of effort and I want to see more of the game for sure. I can commend you for the effort alone.
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