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Sonic Colors VN (SAGE '23 Demo)

The game's interesting as I think this is the first game to transform a 3d/2.5d game into a VN.

With that said, there are a couple of minor problems (Such as a spelling error and not being able to say no during mission 2)

And the major issue that this game has (So far) is that the last mission can be quite a pain. Not only can you lose even when you cleared all of your cards. But you can also soft-lock the game when neither you nor your opponent can play the card and the deck ran out of cards.

It's a decent effort. But still has some rough edges to make this game good.
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alex magee art
alex magee art
Thanks for playing! I really appreciate the feedback.
Mission 2's choices are meant for flavor text, as the situation calls for that to be the case.
As for mission 3, the soft-lock has been fixed. Thanks for bringing this to my attention!