1. the Green Leaf Hill rotating sticks that make you jump high in the air should have momentum of Sonic's speed before hand. if sonic was faster that'd rotate him faster based on momentum of the player.
2. I think some sound design should be changed. Sonic Advance is very old game and the sound design was based on the Gameboy it was played on. some sounds bleed ears currently now. If you play the game with sounds in mind, you'll feel what I was refering to the cutting and the eek sounds that are pretty frusrtating to hear if you paid attention.
If only these sounds were clearer. Some of them though were bad choices that might need to be replaced but since there is no way to make them cleaner it would require genuinely replacing the sounds. Again when I was kid and played GBA my issue was not that, because it was made on GBA back then that they had limits for sound design.
In Green Leaf Hill Act 3 Boss the final platform after destroying it sonic falls on eggman and gets damage, even without shield, but i dont know if that is the design of level or not.
I think that thing about speed and momentum should apply to other animations of rockets or boosters as well, with them becoming faster from the former speed sonic had and continuing afterwards at that same speed.
I don't want to give rating to the game since unfinished, so I just put "Average" but the game is good I just want to give criticism not play it until it's complete.
although idk if i have free time to play it. i'd write criticism if i knew your email too but i don't know it. XD sorry, also the speed is awesome ofc but levels lack any mechanics that are cool.
Best Regards,
2. I think some sound design should be changed. Sonic Advance is very old game and the sound design was based on the Gameboy it was played on. some sounds bleed ears currently now. If you play the game with sounds in mind, you'll feel what I was refering to the cutting and the eek sounds that are pretty frusrtating to hear if you paid attention.
If only these sounds were clearer. Some of them though were bad choices that might need to be replaced but since there is no way to make them cleaner it would require genuinely replacing the sounds. Again when I was kid and played GBA my issue was not that, because it was made on GBA back then that they had limits for sound design.
In Green Leaf Hill Act 3 Boss the final platform after destroying it sonic falls on eggman and gets damage, even without shield, but i dont know if that is the design of level or not.
I think that thing about speed and momentum should apply to other animations of rockets or boosters as well, with them becoming faster from the former speed sonic had and continuing afterwards at that same speed.
I don't want to give rating to the game since unfinished, so I just put "Average" but the game is good I just want to give criticism not play it until it's complete.
although idk if i have free time to play it. i'd write criticism if i knew your email too but i don't know it. XD sorry, also the speed is awesome ofc but levels lack any mechanics that are cool.
Best Regards,