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My Sonic CD Fan Game Loop-the-Loop Problem


Press Start Screen
Dec 4, 2023
Hello everyone, is anyone able to help me with problems I'm having with getting Sonic to run through the loop with changing speed instead of just constant speed. I've tried adding code for acceleration and deceleration and velocity/momentum, but nothing seems to work.

I have set up my Unity Game Project to be accessible to assign seat members so you may physically see what might be going wrong in the project as a whole.

I'm working on my very own Sonic CD fan game.

Please let me know if you are able to help, it is very appreciated as I've been stumped on this for 5 years, no code examples/tutorials I've found online seem to help the problem at all.

He just runs in position on the loop (as shown in photo example).

Screenshot 2023-12-04 at 1.04.23 PM.png
