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Petit Hedgehog - SAGE 2018 Demo

Me encanta, eh jugado pocos fangames pero puedo decir sin duda que este es el mejor
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Reactions: sanic da heg
lime360 official
speak in english
If the few Spanish classes I've taken have served me well, they said something along the lines of "I like it. I've played a few fangames but I have to say this is the best."
Speak spanish i dont know more english
cool game i like it this is my best sonic games downloader with gamejolt!
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Reactions: sanic da heg
lime360 official
speak in english
please speak english porque siento que no hay muchos que habla español en el sonic fangames hq ;-;
Vis The Roc
Vis The Roc
Let Neon speak whatever language they want and go translate it yourselves, ya vultures.
Seriously, it's been a while since I had a real enjoyment in a single Sonic game. Let alone a FANGAME of all things. I'm kinda happy to see Advance-styled gameplay to make a return here as overall it was generally fun to play. There is speed, there is this feel of excitement as you run through each level. Sadly, this is only a demo so far, but really, I'm almost ready to throw money at my screen the moment the full version is released. Great work!
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Reactions: Liam_Overbeck
Can some one tell me how to download the fan game?
on the right, under the download section
The visuals are incredible, first of all. I love the way all of the characters look, and the levels stick to their themes perfectly. Music is good, the way it's handled isn't though. The way that the music loops is incredibly lazy and the audio quality on the sound effects is abismal. What happened to the spindash? (it only goes downward from here.)
Let's talk about the level design. It can sometimes be shitty, it can sometimes be kinda decent and it can sometimes be abismal. (Everybody gangsta 'til a fucking spring sends you 60 feet below where you were into a pit of spikes you saw earlier.) The spindash was nerfed,(why?) there is an noticeable lack of badniks and there are times where you're fast af but suddenly you have to stop yourself to push a fucking switch with a box. It gets kinda better as it goes along, but it needs a lot of work.
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Reactions: Neon9020
it took me a second to figure out how the elemental shields buy its a good idea to let us use the shields power and the characters ability
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Reactions: Neon9020
This demo is great and cute. I love the art style and the gameplay is incredibly promising. Besides being teleported into Eggman at the beginning of the boss fight, I loved using each of the characters' mobility options to fight even that simple boss in different ways. Sonic's homing attack and movement feels far better than some other official Sonic titles, Shadow's Chaos Control is an interesting way to move around though I wish it were an actual teleport through platforms and bosses, and Amy is probably my favorite to run and jump around as with her double jump feeling perfect and adorable. The only negatives I have are about the placeholder audio having varying quality, but I understand that in a full release it would most likely be replaced. That last level though was quite entertaining as a placeholder though. I definitely look forward to any and all future updates on this game.
This is a meaty demo with several full zones to play through. The game itself has a very unique look to it, and I enjoyed some of the mechanics of characters like Amy and Shadow. Although I admit, I might've cheesed the levels a little too much as Amy...

I hope this one is seen to the end! As others have said, the differing quality of the audio samples can be a little jarring, so that is something to investigate.

  • Sprite Work
  • Level designs
  • Tight controls
  • Sounds - The sounds for this game are all over the place, some of them are high quality and sound good while some of them just sound awful and low quality
  • Music - The music choices for this game were on point the songs fitted their stage. The thing that makes me put this in the cons though is the music looping you can tell it loops and it is off putting
  • Boss - Fighting the boss was a pain because of how you are thrown into it when the game froze for a second I thought the game had crashed but nope it threw me into the boss and I lose rings because of the easy hit the boss gets. I also didn't see an easy way to hit the boss without getting hit since his attacks are too quick and there is not recovery time
The game has some decent level design as far as someone as me can tell during gameplay. It plays fine, but has some physics quirks and imperfections that get in the way a bit, specially slopes and inclines. It does get a lot right though, so it's fine.
The "handlebars" on the Dino stage (sorry for not remembering the name!) have some quirks to them as well, I'd say it's probably camera or sprite pivot points.
I found a bug that by pressing Enter instead of A on Amy you get Sonic instead.
Controller support is also pretty inconsistent between menus and gameplay, and lacks a pause for the start button.
Ironically development zone was one of my favorites because of how clean and simple to follow the level design was, I could react better to homing attacks and alternate paths on that one.
Me and others have also noticed some graphical errors as seen in the attached image


Gameplay: This one was a nice play. The character's (i only played as sonic lul) controlled well, the level design was kinda good, and I definitely enjoyed it. Not much to say otherwise

Graphics: The graphics were easy on the eyes. They were simplistic, sure, but that's not a bad thing. I love the game's simplistic style, he managed to somehow fit a good amount of detail into this kind of style if that's anything to go by. One problem tho. The parallax is way too fast and can be absolutely dizzying at times, otherwise, not a bad looking game

~7/10 gud
I really enjoyed playing this and Amy is a good addition! However there is a few stuff that could just have gotten better! Like the collision is an bit off and sometimes the loops are broken otherwise I had a fun experience and I would love to see more of this game in the future!
A very nice looking game with fluid gameplay (some minor physics issues though), but is held back by glitches. I couldn't get my controller to work with this game, and I've seen other people say the same. I clipped through the ground once and had to restart the game. Once I chose Amy and it spawned me as Sonic. There were also some graphical issues while running fast. Overall a good game, but the bugs really need to be fixed.
The game feels very fast and fluid, the character's skills are well worked, and the artistic style of the acts and characters are really cool. The Boss Battle needs to be improved. Please, maintain that high-speed level design!
I mean wow! I'm really impressed with this. Not only are the graphics gorgeous, but the layouts are all unique and very clever. I only played as Sonic and Amy, but they both have their own set of moves that work very well. And did I mention how creative the levels are?

This is one of the best Sonic fan games I've ever played. You should be proud.
All graphics look great, you have a beautiful art style! Level design and theme are great, and the controls are of extremely high quality, 100% functional. Definetly worth checking out!
Beautiful artstyle, good level design, comfy controls, the perfect fangame!