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Rave Paradise (SAGE 21 Demo)

General Information


Rave Paradise is a 5-key vertical scrolling rhythm game similar to the arcade game series Pump It Up.

Basic Features
  • 6 playable songs, minimum 2 difficulty levels each
  • 2-player VS mode.
  • English and Spanish language support
Rhythm Game Features
  • The scroll speed is constant for every chart.
  • Fast/Slow display and Fast/Slow count in the results screen.
  • Multiple noteskins to choose from if you don't like the default one.
  • Multiple judgment graphics to choose from.
  • Downscroll.
  • Put the combo and judgment graphics above or below the note field.
Planned Features
  • 4-key, 5-key, and 6-key modes
  • 4-player VS mode
  • Online support with up to 16 player matches
  • Arcade mode like other rhythm games
  • All 6 chapters of story mode
  • minigames
  • Better charts with better visual effects


Es pura mierda, simplemente es una copia mal hecha del juego Pump It Up, para ser mas especifico Stepmania 5, modificar el código fuente de Stepmania 5 y hacerte un theme no te convierte en un desarollador de videojuegos. Mejor dedícate a chupar penes por que la programación no se te da para nada.

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