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Dancin' Divas (SAGE '21 Demo)

General Information

NOTE: I wont' be updating the page for here as it will be archived. Go to the itch link instead below!

This is a beat em' up demo which consists of 4 playable singers, with each having their own abilities and elements.
(if the link doesn't work, check the itch page instead here )

Those being:
Viva - The one in blue with the most balanced skills and the power of lightning.
Hina - In the red, she goes for long range attacks and isn't afraid to play with fire.
Bahati - The one in yellow can use their large size and perform quite the wrestling suplexes to break the earth!
Sofia - The shortest, this green one is quick with their moves and agility and fly like the wind.

You fight against a band of thieves who stole their treasures they were showcasing at a lounge. They must pay!

At the moment, this demo only has three stages, and it's made up with these four playable characters.

There were other few stuff I always wanted to add but dang this deadline. At least this game features the more important parts. Enjoy the gameplay, and I'll take the critique I need to improve the game.

ASDW - Move
J - Attack
K or Space - Jump
L - Special Attack
H (when bar is full) - Super Move

F12 - Change screen size

Error Notes to Fix (Do let me know if you find some here):

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Latest reviews

I think it plays very well for a demo!

- Fun graphical style, reminds me a lot of Battletoads
- Lots of voice acting per character which is hard to get all setup
- Each character plays differently a la Final Fight/Streets of Rage
- Music was very fun, there's a very nice presentation overall
- Any beat 'em up with grabs is a + for me
- I like the variety of moves you have

- SoR-style grab lacks i-frames, often you get punished for accidentally grabbing an enemy. Although the forward throw seems to work a lot better than the back
- Second boss fight two punishing? Incredibly quick changes means you basically just have to jump attack between huge damaging and fast moves
- Attacks lack a lot of reach, you have little vertical space to your hits and little horizontal space (even for the Zan-girl),
- Often full combos won't connect with each other, inconsistent hitboxes maybe?
- You're probably already aware of the stage bug that doesn't save your character if you game over, so if you game over, switch a character, and move (in my experience it was always stage 3) to the next stage - you just get your original character
- The DP (down up) and the side attack didn't seem very useful? You couldn't combo into them and the side attack often left you open.
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Thanks for the feedback! Time for me to check out how to fix them up ^^
whoops, this is where you can review stuff. I already said this in the comments but
oh well Imma post it here anyways

Came for the cute girls, stayed for the gameplay + character design.
I love this game, hands down (or is that hands up?)

-the MIDI music is great
-Voice acting was unexpected but welcomed
-Animations are minimal but that's what makes it express more weight to attacks
-cultural representation works for the characters' special moves [e.g. hina's gong move]
-enemy names are Whitty
-the bosses being Halloween themed is awesome
-everyone's screen clearing move is creative
-I had a big stupid smile across my face the entire time I was playing
-THANK YOU for not having to reset the whole game when you lost all your lives
-short cutscenes, more gameplay baby
-sofia busts a move during her special attack which makes her best girl

-with the car chase, you can camp in the bottom and not get hit by barrels
-it would have been cool to go through the holes in the walls [e.g. the robot breaks the wall at the starting level and after you beat it, you can walk to the wall to access a secret level or shop]
-that's it really.

Hope this review was helpful!
I wish you the best of luck
Thanks for the critique! There are bugs other people found playing it that I gotta fix too. So expect some updates ^^


Came for the cute girls, stayed for the gameplay + character design.
I love this game, hands down (or is that hands up?)

-the MIDI music is great
-Voice acting was unexpected but welcomed
-Animations are minimal but that's what makes it express more weight to attacks
-cultural representation works for the characters' special moves [e.g. hina's gong move]
-enemy names are Whitty
-the bosses being Halloween themed is awesome
-everyone's screen clearing move is creative
-I had a big stupid smile across my face the entire time I was playing
-THANK YOU for not having to reset the whole game when you lost all your lives
-short cutscenes, more gameplay baby
-sofia busts a move during her special attack which makes her best girl

-with the car chase, you can camp in the bottom and not get hit by barrels
-it would have been cool to go through the holes in the walls [e.g. the robot breaks the wall at the starting level and after you beat it, you can walk to the wall to access a secret level or shop]
-that's it really.

Stuff you could add;
I understand you probably made this for fun but a man can dream can't he?

you could add;
-a diva that launches enemies in the air and can do air combos

-if you ever played streets of rage 4, there's a mechanic where if you get blown away, before you land, you can press the jump button to land on your feet, thus having less time to get up.
This would be a cool mechanic

-another mechanic could be after you use a 'draining health' attack, that lost health could be regained by hitting an enemy. But if an enemy hits you

-An optional mode to make the voices 8-bit would be cool too! [google 8-bit plugin for audacity, it's quite simple to use]

[tldr; play streets of rage 4 with DLC, it can really help inspire you for this project!]

Hope this review was helpful!
I wish you the best of luck

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