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CYCLE (SAGE '21 Demo)

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CYCLE is a metroidvania-style game, fashioned after GBA-era visuals and aestethics, and heavily inspired by the Mega Man Zero series. It is currently in development.

The tower of the Stars which powers the continent, mysteriously shuts down every few years. It's up to a hero chosen by the town to go on a journey to try and fix it and power it back on. However, it's a very dangerous journey, and not everyone returns from it. Lana's mother, Satella, never returned.

Lana is going to go on the journey to find the truth despite not being chosen by the town, and her friend, Verona, is trying to stop her from hurting herself.

In your journey to the tower, you'll visit many colorful areas, with various characters, aswell as gain some new weapons and skills to traverse the world in an easier way. Some of the areas will have boss fights that will put what you learned to the test, and there are even secret bosses for people who seek a more difficult challenge.


I quite like the choices of colors here, though having all the enemies be the exact same color as the walls and background makes them hard to process as dangerous. The wall jump always seemed to drop me off the wall a bit too soon, so I could only manage to go upwards if I tapped jump over and over again incredibly quickly. But what really didn't feel good was the knife's attack size. Even though the enemies didn't move all that fast, I still didn't feel good having to get in super close to do any damage to them. The charged version had a much better size, but that made it feel like the game expected me to hold down the attack key at all times, except to occasionally let it go when in front of an enemy.. It would be so much easier on my fingers to have the attack charge automatically. Everything seemed to work as intended, though, except for the map (and minimap) disappearing whenever there was a dialogue box, and I liked the spritework on the golem enemy, and that place where destroying a flying enemy made it drop a ball that broke open the floor to reveal a hidden room.
I quite like the choices of colors here, though having all the enemies be the exact same color as the walls and background makes them hard to process as dangerous. The wall jump always seemed to drop me off the wall a bit too soon, so I could only manage to go upwards if I tapped jump over and over again incredibly quickly. But what really didn't feel good was the knife's attack size. Even though the enemies didn't move all that fast, I still didn't feel good having to get in super close to do any damage to them. The charged version had a much better size, but that made it feel like the game expected me to hold down the attack key at all times, except to occasionally let it go when in front of an enemy.. It would be so much easier on my fingers to have the attack charge automatically. Everything seemed to work as intended, though, except for the map (and minimap) disappearing whenever there was a dialogue box, and I liked the spritework on the golem enemy, and that place where destroying a flying enemy made it drop a ball that broke open the floor to reveal a hidden room.
First of all, thank you so much for playing the demo! I'm glad you enjoyed your time with it!
I understand the weariness about the knife, but I promise you the range you have with it is larger than you might think initially. try it out! I will definetly implement an option to charge your attack automatically, it's a really really great idea!
I'll try to work up something with the wall jump physics to make it a bit more forgiving, but I can also guarantee that you will get the hang of it after a big of practice. I'm glad everything else worked well, and thank you so much for taking the time to write in a review!

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