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BomberCin 2

General Information

BomberCin 2
BomberCin 2 is a homage to the early Arcade and NES games, like Mario Bros., Wrecking Crew, Gyromite and Bomberman.
In this game, you play as Cin, a little chick with a protection helmet, and your job is to stop an infestation of nasty bugs using nothing but an endless supply of bombs!
Unlike most platformers out there, you are unable to jump, so you must climb up ladders and use your bombs as both a defense tool and a weapon to defeat upcoming baddies.

Left and Right Arrow Keys - Run
Up and Down Arrow Keys - Climb/Enter doors

X Key - Bomb drop
Z Key - Bomb kick

Roachers - The most common type of enemy in the game. They can easily be defeated with bombs and don't pose much of a threat.

Hornetroopers - An angry hornet that can give you a nasty sting if you're right below it! Drop a bomb and, with careful timing, make them to come down to get rid of them.

Rhinotroopers - A beetle with a mighty armor that can't be killed from the front. Carefully, get behind them and take them out as quickly as possible.

Dung King - The leader of the bugs! Unlike any other bug in this game, he cannot be defeated with bombs. Perhaps there's another way to defeat him, then...

Gray Bricks - These bricks are everywhere, and can usually block your way. Destroy every brick to earn a Perfect Bonus at the end of each stage.

Super Bricks - These bricks are extra flashy! Destroy them and collect their goodies for some extra points.

Rice Balls - You could say they are more like jelly filled donuts. Each of them grants you 1000 points.

Golden Coins - These coins are pretty tricky to collect. Make sure to gather as many as you can, as they serve as credits for trying the Bonus Stage.

Bonus Stage:
Blast the boxes displayed on screen and try matching the cards they hide to earn a huge amount of points or even an extra life. Good luck!
Life Card - Matching 2 Life Cards grants you an extra life. Consider yourself pretty lucky if you can grab this bonus!

Rice Ball Card - Matching 2 Rice Ball Cards grants you 10000 points. Getting this bonus might help you boost up your score.

Leek Card - Matching 2 Leek Cards grants you 5000 points. Not too shabby, I could say.

Hornet Card - Matching 2 Hornet Cards grants you 1000 points. It's better than nothing, I suppose.


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