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Post Your Screenshots Thread


The one and only
Aug 29, 2017
Looks nice, although I'm worried about your HUD's visibility. For example, the time. It's kinda tough to distinguish if the clock's reading 5:04 or 5:09 without focusing hard on it. Also, your tileset's palette and your HUD's golden hues kind of clash and makes it hard to read the HUD in some spots (e.g. the "SCORE" part having the same dithered look of the sky, except darker, the "WAFFLE(?)" piece at the bottom almost completely blends in with the ground tiles). You probably need to work on the readability and making the colors pop, then it would be perfect to me. :emoji_thumbsup:
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The one and only
Aug 29, 2017
Okay actually there's no full levels because I can't make a full level without making it above 30 secs. (in other words i'm lazy. Go figure.) The most effort this thing has going for it is the sprites for Sonic(they're not even done yet!)
If that's the case... why even post a thread for it? Wouldn't a couple of screenshots be more suited for the screenshots thread? I would guess that a thread would be more useful for a project that's more... complete than this.


maryo flashback
Aug 29, 2017
Eh. Bringing back Wood Zone and Dust Hill Zone is something that has been done by fangames several times, and it's just getting old at this point. It doesn't help that the game doesn't have anything interesting or unique going on. Don't get me wrong, I don't think it looks bad. It just looks very uninteresting.

At least Sonic's sprites look pretty nice lol

Unlimited Trees

Going home
Aug 28, 2017
I like the HUD, but the dirt in the not Green Hill zone is pillow shaded, and looks flat. The artwork for Sonic, the HUD, and the springs feel out of place compared to everything else.
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Ay Jay

That guy who really likes Cave Story
Aug 29, 2017
This new Metal Sonic hack you're making keeps getting better and better.

Sidenote: That background looks great. Really like the HUD, too.
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Little green thing with a pencil
DVD and I are working on a level called Solaris Temple (STZ) for my fan game, Sonic Overseas. It's not done quite yet because we have to think of a background but it's slowly coming together. I merely thought of the level and designed the temple makeup. DVD breathed life to the concepts and came up with this:
If it wasn't for DVD, Solaris Temple would still be sitting in my sketchbook. I did do a few sprites myself but I'm not too proud of them. Solaris Temple needs its stained glass windows:
We'll try to update that and make it look worthy with the rest of the level.

The other image is the VERY incomplete concept of Speed Central (SCZ). Please, PLEASE forgive its raw appearance. I'm just bringing some things to life in pixels from my sketchbook to see if they look okay together. Plus, bringing it color also helps my brain put it together. SCZ is currently packed away though, until Solaris Temple is completed (and it's very close).

STZ, well, Sonic Overseas as a whole is coming along very slowly. It will be done, however. I'm currently planning SCZ (Speed Central) and working on the designs of DBZ (Dragon's Bridge [also, please ignore the Dragonball acronym. That was unintentional]).

Tails Soup

Green Hill Zone
Aug 29, 2017
DVD and I are working on a level called Solaris Temple (STZ) for my fan game, Sonic Overseas. It's not done quite yet because we have to think of a background but it's slowly coming together. I merely thought of the level and designed the temple makeup. DVD breathed life to the concepts and came up with this:
If it wasn't for DVD, Solaris Temple would still be sitting in my sketchbook. I did do a few sprites myself but I'm not too proud of them. Solaris Temple needs its stained glass windows:
We'll try to update that and make it look worthy with the rest of the level.

The other image is the VERY incomplete concept of Speed Central (SCZ). Please, PLEASE forgive its raw appearance. I'm just bringing some things to life in pixels from my sketchbook to see if they look okay together. Plus, bringing it color also helps my brain put it together. SCZ is currently packed away though, until Solaris Temple is completed (and it's very close).

STZ, well, Sonic Overseas as a whole is coming along very slowly. It will be done, however. I'm currently planning SCZ (Speed Central) and working on the designs of DBZ (Dragon's Bridge [also, please ignore the Dragonball acronym. That was unintentional]).
Everything looks so bright and vivid and i really love the art style!

Tails Soup

Green Hill Zone
Aug 29, 2017
You can thank DVD for the art style. All I did was draw things down and he took the wheel with everything else. xD
He's a god man
one question tho, are you gonna change Sonic's sprite tho?
As of i think Sonic looks out of place in the mockups there
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