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SAGE 2022 - Complete The Pac-Man Brothers

General Information


The Pac-Man Brothers is a sequel/reboot of the original Pac-Man games in the arcade. New things include procedurally generated levels, simultaneous multiplayer, a new dodge roll move, and more!

Ayo look at this gameplay!!!

Once a high score is achieved you are able to print a name with up to 12 characters.

The high score table contains up to five scores and names.

Latest reviews

One of the biggest surprises of SAGE this year, I have not a bad thing or even a nitpick to say about this game. It's a very smart update of classic Pac-Man, which lifts some mechanics from Ms. Pac and Arrangement, but also adds some well thought out mechanics like a dodge roll and PACMAN letters. It's more advanced than classic Pac but not quite as modernized as Championship Edition, making it an interesting middle ground that I really liked.


A incredible game of Pac Man. It already has all the basics of Pac-Man that makes it work, but the dodge roll is quite useful. Not just for dodging ghosts, but catching up to them as well when they're blue to catch them, or the fruit that spawns as well.
Great game, absolutely love it! One main suggestion though, I’d recommend making a way to actually begin a game with the controller instead of needing to use the keyboard for the menu between rounds if there’s going to be controller support.
"hip for the kids Pac-Man reboot where the ghosts are gangsters and you have a dodge roll" sure sounds like a weird idea on paper but you made it work really well! The dodge roll has great risk/reward feel, being great for both getting out of tight scrapes and chasing down the ghosts to eat them without feeling overpowered either. The spelling bonus mechanic is also really clever and makes you think about timing your power pellet usage. I also love how Blinky goes completely bezerk when you have a few dots left.

My only my critiques are that I have trouble telling if there's an additional mechanic to spawn the ghosts with letters or not; sometimes I never seem to get them but other times I get one every pellet use and I can't tell if I'm missing something I need to do or are just unlucky with RNG. It would also be nice to have option to turn of the graphic that flashes when you pick up a pellet/gain a 1UP, both for people who are sensitive to bright flahses and because it can sometimes be distracting in the heat of the moment.

EDIT: One other thing, is there any reason why you can't use the D-Pad with a controller? For a game like this having to only use the analog stick feels imprecise.
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"hip for the kids Pac-Man reboot where the ghosts are gangsters and you have a dodge roll" sure sounds like a weird idea on paper but you made it work really well! The dodge roll has great risk/reward feel, being great for both getting out of tight scrapes and chasing down the ghosts to eat them without feeling overpowered either. The spelling bonus mechanic is also really clever and makes you think about timing your power pellet usage. I also love how Blinky goes completely bezerk when you have a few dots left.

My only my critiques are that I have trouble telling if there's an additional mechanic to spawn the ghosts with letters or not; sometimes I never seem to get them but other times I get one every pellet use and I can't tell if I'm missing something I need to do or are just unlucky with RNG. It would also be nice to have option to turn of the graphic that flashes when you pick up a pellet/gain a 1UP, both for people who are sensitive to bright flahses and because it can sometimes be distracting in the heat of the moment.

EDIT: One other thing, is there any reason why you can't use the D-Pad with a controller? For a game like this having to only use the analog stick feels imprecise.
Thank you for the feedback! (Sorry for the late reply) I'll work on an update later. I didnt have d-pad support because i have stupid brain and didnt think anyone used d-pad when playing pacman but i was very wrong.

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