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SAGE 2023 - Demo SRB2 Frontiers Adaptation Project v2.1

General Information

SRB2SFAP banner.jpg

Every image/media here dont represent the final versions of the maps for next update


General Overview of Kronos Island

Explore Kronos Island and Ares island + 6 Cyberspace levels to collect the Emerals in this adaptation of Sonic Frontiers maps and gameplay rythm in Sonic Robo Blast 2
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Is the mod supposed to come with music? Because the wad doesn't include them, in fact you forgot 2 spaces in the header, causing it to spit out errors upon loading the file.
Level 1
LevelName= Unknow PLace  <---
Act = 0
NoZone =true   <---
SkyNum = 1
NextLevel = 2
TypeOfLevel = Singleplayer,Coop
OOH THAANKS!! i didnt saw that, so thaanks again, and no there is no music (honestly i didnt really know how to do that xdd im trying to find the way to do it)
OOH THAANKS!! i didnt saw that, so thaanks again, and no there is no music (honestly i didnt really know how to do that xdd im trying to find the way to do it)
The SRB2 Wiki has a tutorial on every aspect of the game, I recommend reading through there to get a good idea on how to get some of the basics to work.

But to summarise it, you'll need a copy of SLADE and Audacity (preferably an older version like 2.3.3, but if you have your own music converter, you can use that instead!):
In Audacity, import the song and save it as a .ogg file (I recommend compression be set to 2)
In SLADE, open your wad and drag & drop the file inside, make sure it's at the top of the list and not between the map stuff!
Rename it to O_[name], where [name] is the name of the song (you can only use 6 letters for this due to the WAD format limiting everything to 8 letters)
In the Level Header, add "Music = [name]" and it should play in-game! (it won't loop correctly, but the page I linked to earlier has the steps on how to get that working in great detail)
I also recommend adding "LevelSelect = 1" to the Level Header for any of the maps, so it can appear in the level select, I saw a streamer have trouble getting to the levels because they didn't start a new save, skipping it entirely.
I can't get it to work. When I try to open it, it gives me this message:
"A file was loaded with warnings."
That's normal, all you have to do is start a no-save file and it should warp you to the first stage
Keep in mind there is no music, it's just three maps.

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