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SAGE 2022 - Demo Sonic Revisited - SAGE'22 Proof of Concept

General Information


Sonic Revisited is our own take on recreating the first Sonic game from scratch. Unlike 2013 Taxman's port (or Sonic 1 Decompilation, as people like to call it now), we are focusing on staying faithful to original game as much as possible in every aspect.

You should understand that it is NOT a direct port of the original game and engine, but a recreation of the game on a different engine (GameMaker Studio 2), so complete accuracy on a low level cannot be achieved. Everywhere else, game and object logic is aimed to be 1:1 accurate if possible.

Yes, you can actually just run a patched ROM using GXWide emulator, but it is still emulated. Our goal is to have original Sonic 1 run natively!

The game is powered by our Orbinaut Framework.

Unlike original Sonic 1, ground and air speed cap is disabled. Some glitches from the original games are kept, but most obvious bugs are "fixed".

You may also find the music and SFX sound muffled. This is because all the sound in the game is recorded from the hardware, and has a low-pass filted applied to it.

Playable Zones in the Proof of Concept release:
Green Hill
Spring Yard (no boss fight)
Star Light (no boss fight)

Controls (PC)
Movement - Arrow Keys
Jump - Z, X, C (or A, S, D)
Pause - Enter
Window Size - F4
FPS Debug - F9

Controls (General)

Restart Stage - Pause + Jump
XInput controllers and DualShock 4 are fully supported

System Requirements (PC)


OS: Windows 7 (x64)
GPU: 512 MB

OS: Windows 10 or 11 (x64)
GPU: 512 MB​

This free fan game is in no way a call to boycott Sonic Origins and is made out of love for the franchise. Please support the release of Sonic Origins as it's the only way to play classic games in a their refined look on the latest platforms.​

Latest reviews

I don't really understand the point of this project to be honest, as why have a 1:1 recreation of the game if we have 2013 remaster? Widescreen? We already have a patch for the rom and a custom version of the emulator. I would understand if it was made to show off what the framework is capable of, but no. Besides that though, yeah, it's as faithful as you can get if we're not counting the speed caps that nobody liked. If you also want to get more faithful, the spinning Spike balls in Spring Yard are not fast enough in some places. Also, I don't know if it's just me, but the brightness feels too high. I'm sure it's not my monitor as I played Origins not long ago and can see the difference. As for the bugs I've encountered, the invincibility trail will stay on if you go to special stage. (maybe it's like in the original, beats me). Good, yet unnecessary attempt at recreating Sonic 1.
Hi, thank you for the review!

The invincibility trail bug was fixed in the patch that was released a few days ago.
There is no problem with the brightness, the colours you see in-game is how the game is actually rendered by the hardware. The only emulator that currently does that is BlastEm
I haven't finished it yet but very faithful so far! I have never gotten into modding but something about this made me want to create mods for it (probably simple things) however I have no idea how to do that. But, this is very well put together and is a great way to experience this game on PC, especially when it is completed. Just read that mod support isn't planned, hopefully that changes in the future. Good luck on the project!
This is a free version of that.


Cool remake, the only thing I noticed that never happened in the original was in spring yard zone act 1, there is a part where there are some red springs that launch you and to the right is a platform with badniks that you need to take out to continue, in the original the badniks would dispawn if you didn't get on the platform and landed on a spring again, when you got back up the badniks would respawn and head to the left, in this demo they instead continue their path and dont restart it or whatever, i hope that made sense.
also there should be full genesis mini controller support, when i tried playing everything worked except the a and c buttons, it would be really cool if they all worked
Cool remake, the only thing I noticed that never happened in the original was in spring yard zone act 1, there is a part where there are some red springs that launch you and to the right is a platform with badniks that you need to take out to continue, in the original the badniks would dispawn if you didn't get on the platform and landed on a spring again, when you got back up the badniks would respawn and head to the left, in this demo they instead continue their path and dont restart it or whatever, i hope that made sense.
also there should be full genesis mini controller support, when i tried playing everything worked except the a and c buttons, it would be really cool if they all worked

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