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SAGE 2022 - Demo Sonic Horizons - SAGE 2022 Demo

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notice: this build of the game sucks please wait for the SAGE 2023 demo to pop up before playing ok thanks



Sonic Horizons is (in it's current form) an experimental playground, meant to test the framework for my future fangame of the same name.

The main focus of this framework is making Sonic's moveset fluid and "acrobatic". The game is built on top of the Bumper Engine, keeping staple moves like rolling and the spindash an integral part of his control scheme, whilst adding both new and old moves, such as quick-stepping and wall-clinging. Think of it as an amalgam of the Adventure and Boost playstyles, with some of my own ideas sprinkled on top



WASD/Left Joystick - Move
Mouse/Right Joystick - Camera
Space/"A" - Jump
Left Mouse/"RT" - Roll (on ground), Dropdash (in ball form)
Shift/"X" (on ground) - Spindash
Shift/"X" (in air) - Charge Dropdash
Q-E/Bumpers - Quickstep



strix - Game lead, gameplay programmer, UI designer
SuperSonic68 - Bumper Engine creator

mxshii, superyaygaming, VirtualFreeze, bonzee, climatrix, tozaku, ddemkoo, JayferDraw, FazieFunbear, Rextair, Freddson, PieceOfKake - Feedback and/or beta-testing

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Latest reviews

I like what this game tries to do, but the test stage wasn't that great to control in. Wish I could play with a controller though because it didn't work. The core physics are here (except for Sonic walking on water), and I think the idea of running on walls by freedom is an interesting concept and can be a good mechanic if used properly in stages. Sadly there is nothing else I can add, but I want to see what stages you will come up with in the future!
Thanks for the words! Yeah I plan to add a ton of stuff to this (precisely an open world full of things to do and have fun breaking the physics, not like Utopia though)
The game looks very awesome with physics of wallruning and etc. But the only problem is that my pc is a potato and i can't open the settings, witch means that i can't play the game well because my pc can't take the graphics, but i still think this game is awesome (Sorry for my broke english)
Fun proof of concept that I could see being a great full game in the future. The physics could definitely use some tuning, however. Sonic can simply scale the tallest flat walls without any speed simply by running left and right up them, and there are moments of jank where I was able to flat out clip through the world.

Despite the flaws, this is a fun game to just mess about with and I'd love to see where this project goes in the future.
The left and right think afaik is a general Bumper Engine issue. Don't know how to fix it right now but I'll definetly try to get it done until the next demos are released
its very good its has the potential to be the best freamwork.
i had fun with it. can't wait to see the completed version
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Nearly unplayable with my Xbox Controller thanks to the incredibly sensitive camera. It's too fast, and there's no deadzone so it's constantly moving on its own. May wanna give us the option to lower the sensitivity.
Hah, interesting. None of my testers had this issue so far. I'll look into it
so cool , way better than Crash Bandicoot 4: It's about time , i hate crash 4 , if it's not clear i think it is one of the worst games ever made , crash 3 better
Are there no settings for this game? Having trouble setting things up but the settings menu is grayed out...
Are there no settings for this game? Having trouble setting things up but the settings menu is grayed out...
Yeah, there's no settings menu. I ran out of time to actually write the logic behind it, and I couldn't include the Unity startup thing because they removed it from the version I'm using
Yeah, there's no settings menu. I ran out of time to actually write the logic behind it, and I couldn't include the Unity startup thing because they removed it from the version I'm using
Ahh gotcha. Well other than that, I really like the ideas present in the demo. Obviously lots of work is needed, but I like how everything feels.
So sonic’s eyes appear when he runs but when he’s standing still or slow down they disappear or rollback lmao. Great demo btw, saw it on youtube and I got my attention.
Will there be other playable characters in the future? This is pretty cool project! can’t wait to see what this will be like in the near future!
i cant wall run for some reason It just doesn't work I checked every button but on keyborad the ame works good
Really cool fangame, it plays very well and gameplay wise I couldn't find major errors other then the camera, graphics wise: Sonic's eyes are pretty much invisible the whole time (at least most of the time I saw him they just weren't there). This is mostly a personal thing but the bloom and blur are way too high making it hard to see but barely impacted my frame-rate (unless I was at the highest point, there moving the camera even a little bit killed my frames). Overall it's very fun to play and other than some control tweaks it genuinely is one of the best Sonic Fangames I have played (gameplay wise), would love to see the game update more and see what unique content we get
This Looks Amazing I Played it for 1 hours and it's a fun experience can't wait to what's instore!

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