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SAGE 2023 - Demo Ducky's Delivery Service (SAGE '23 Demo)

General Information

Propeller-powered duck delivery action! In Ducky's Delivery Service, you are a duck who uses a propeller backpack to fly around and deliver mail. Master the flight physics, grow your delivery business, fulfill special delivery requests from other ducks, and earn time attack ranks and high scores.


This demo contains 1 of the game's 4 worlds, with an extra level thrown in at the end for anyone who wants more of a challenge.


Download the demo from the side bar on the right or from the following link:

The full game is available on:


WASD or Arrow Keys - Move
Enter or Space - Fly (gameplay) / OK (menus)
Shift - Throw (gameplay)
Q - Quack (gameplay)
Escape - Pause (gameplay) / Back (menus)


Left stick or DPad - Move
A - Fly (gameplay) / OK (menus)
X - Throw (gameplay)
Y - Quack (gameplay)
B - Back (menus)
Start - Pause





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Latest reviews

Ducky's Delivery Service is an adorable, warm, yet fun game. The characters, design and music all add to the warm, comfy vibes this game abundantly has. The game has two modes, a timed one and an untimed one. The timed one is challenging, yet fun, while I can easily imagine the untimed one becoming mine (and many other's) comfort game to unwind to. As a lover of waterfowl, I was originally drawn to this game due to the fact it featured ducks, but the actual content of the game, is getting me addicted. This is going to be one of those demos I come back to (and keep coming back to) after SAGE.

Also it was not until writing this that I realized that you were also the dev behind Chessplosion, another fantastic game I am huge fan of. I am glad to see you are continuing to put out new projects and look forward to checking out your future work!
C.T. Matthews
C.T. Matthews
Thank you so much, and I'm glad to hear you also liked Chessplosion! I don't plan on stopping any time soon, so I hope you enjoy my next game too!
This game rocks!

Ducky controls very well, and getting that perfect rhythm in your flight is so satisfying, which makes the demo a lot more replayable to get all 3-stars, alongside some extra challenges. Throwing packages, being truthful, was a little finicky, and I personally didn't think the extra score was worth the risk unless I was super close to my destination. Maybe a boost in the bonus points would make more daring players go for it?

All in all, very chill game that you can either play just to wind down, or you can really go for that perfectionist run on a level. Can't wait to see where this goes!
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Reactions: F108_Star
C.T. Matthews
C.T. Matthews
Thank you so much for playing the game, and thanks for the feedback!
This game has such great bones! It was adorable and could easily become addicting. Having the player hand out the flyers was a great way to get them used to the level before making their precious deliveries. I did feel like I was missing a buy in for why Ducky was making the deliveries. Maybe saving up for something or helping mom. There is so much potential to add a bit of character and storytelling here.

The flying movement was very satisfying and smooth. It was a fun challenge, though, it may be good to balance out the first level a bit and give the player an easier success at the beginning. Or a punchier effect, cut scene, or reward when you are done delivering. The art was really cohesive. The environment tiles could use some pizzaz and match the rest of the palette better, but they certainly fulfill their purpose. Ducky himself and the houses were very cute and had a lovely amount of detail. It was easy to understand where you could and could not go in each level. Lovely work team! Thank you for sharing your game with the world
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Reactions: F108_Star
C.T. Matthews
C.T. Matthews
Thank you so much for playing the game and for the feedback, I appreciate it!


This game has such great bones! It was adorable and could easily become addicting. Having the player hand out the flyers was a great way to get them used to the level before making their precious deliveries. I did feel like I was missing a buy in for why Ducky was making the deliveries. Maybe saving up for something or helping mom. There is so much potential to add a bit of character and storytelling here.

The flying movement was very satisfying and smooth. It was a fun challenge, though, it may be good to balance out the first level a bit and give the player an easier success at the beginning. Or a punchier effect, cut scene, or reward when you are done delivering. The art was really cohesive. The environment tiles could use some pizzaz and match the rest of the palette better, but they certainly fulfill their purpose. Ducky himself and the houses were very cute and had a lovely amount of detail. It was easy to understand where you could and could not go in each level. Lovely work team! Thank you for sharing your game with the world
Really cute and fun game! I had to get used to the flying technique, I constantly crashed into obstacles, but in the end I began to play better. Really surprised how many translations it got for a demo. Cheers for the team, I'll wait for the whole release!

Item information

Added by
C.T. Matthews
Last update
4.67 star(s) 3 ratings


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