Sonic Overture is a fan made prequel to the original Sonic the Hedgehog, created to tell the story of Sonic's adventures on Christmas Island.
This demo features all 3 acts of Sunrise Gate Zone, including a boss.
=Plot Synopsis=
Sonic Overture takes place on Christmas Island, Sonic's birthplace.
"Dr. Eggman is mining the island for the precious substance known as phossil to power his machines. To the dismay of its inhabitants, Dr. Eggman's mining operations have disrupted Christmas Island's Harmony Stones, throwing the island out of balance and locking it in a state of constant earthquakes. Sonic the Hedgehog, having enough, sets out to investigate the source of the problem as Dr. Eggman begins to investigate the mysterious South Island and the Special Zone. Sonic is not alone however, as a mischievous individual is trailing behind him..."
This game plays on much of the scrapped prototype material of the original Sonic the Hedgehog, such as canned designs and unused level imagery.
[Note: This demo was first made available in SAGE 2014, and as such, many things have been improved and worked on since.]
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If you wish to contact the team, please contact @Jass either here, on Twitter, or Discord!
Jass #5867
You may also email the team as a whole at [email protected]
Jass #5867
You may also email the team as a whole at [email protected]