Gameplay: This one was pretty unique in its own way. I didnt expect a Sonic RPG and I didn't expect this one to take place in a totally different universe than the main games itself. While the overworld gameplay is definitely substandard of what RPGs usually play like, It's battle system is DEFINITELY a waiting game. The battle system is a mix of Megaman Battle Network & the Mario & Luigi series. You use cards as your means of attack, and you use your hp to attack and WHY?! This isn't an innovate gimmick. It's more like a gimmick that claims to be an innovative gimmick, but IS innovate in the wrong ways. You're only means of attacking is your hp. If you attack, you lose hp, If you get hit, you lose hp. While you wont lose after 0HP, you WILL lose at <-1HP. This is the waiting game part comes i-- (cut off bc of char limit :sad:)