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Poppin & Jupa: Pocket Adventure

General Information


Poppin & Jupa: Pocket Adventure is an action-adventure exploration game in which you play as a pair of young adventurers: The ladybug boy Poppin, and the scarecrow girl Jupa. Using the mysterious Gadget Box, Poppin and Jupa combat baddies, get around tricky challenges, and collect treasure as a team. In this adventure, the pair are traveling up to explore the grandiose Mount Glitteroam; what friends, foes, and secrets will they find along the way? Come and find out!

This is a demo of a game I've been working on for over 3 years, it includes Chapter 1 of a 7 Chapter game; the next Chapter is in progress but I would love to get more feedback/support from anyone that might be interested. The game is Windows PC only (for now), and lasts around 30 to 60 minutes to complete. This demo uses placeholder music and sound effects.







I have a keyboard and am controlling the game with it. If you want me to name the save file, please let me use that keyboard to do so, rather than have me scroll around your virtual keyboard one letter at a time. And don't have a prominent button labeled "back" if it does not function as a backspace key.

Other than that bad first impression, though, I have no complaints: the game itself is lovely. It's thoroughly charming and playable, and nothing ever seemed to go wrong. The characters are familiar but are drawn out by their expressive portraits, and their various incidental animations are adorable. The biggest challenges, save for the turnip, are all left optional and clearly demarcated. There's a remarkable and welcome variety of subclimes. All frequent actions are helpfully bound to single buttons. Well done.
I have a keyboard and am controlling the game with it. If you want me to name the save file, please let me use that keyboard to do so, rather than have me scroll around your virtual keyboard one letter at a time. And don't have a prominent button labeled "back" if it does not function as a backspace key.

Other than that bad first impression, though, I have no complaints: the game itself is lovely. It's thoroughly charming and playable, and nothing ever seemed to go wrong. The characters are familiar but are drawn out by their expressive portraits, and their various incidental animations are adorable. The biggest challenges, save for the turnip, are all left optional and clearly demarcated. There's a remarkable and welcome variety of subclimes. All frequent actions are helpfully bound to single buttons. Well done.
Thank you for the comment! The keyboard and backspace thing makes a lot of sense, I'll make sure to have it default to a keyboard, unless someone decides to use arrow keys to get around. The "Back" button came from other menu stuff; I never realized how confusing that would be seeing the first time. I appreciate you pointing this out for me, and apologize for that first impression.

Glad the rest of the game was up to good standards! I like having tougher optional stuff strewn about, so that it doesn't annoy anyone that just wants to make progress. I might keep tweaking the Turnip; he's my first time designing a boss and am trying to make him not as drastic of a spike in difficulty while still being a fun challenge.
I found a huge bug in this game: Poppin! Ha! ...Wait, I already did that one with Polyroll. Crap.

This was a fun little romp. Hope to see more of it in the future. I like Poppin's design. He's cute.
I found a huge bug in this game: Poppin! Ha! ...Wait, I already did that one with Polyroll. Crap.

This was a fun little romp. Hope to see more of it in the future. I like Poppin's design. He's cute.
Thanks! I hope to have more of it in the future too. I'm glad you like Poppin's design, his head shape took a while for me to settle on.
I may not be a man of big words but here's my feedback anyways, really enjoyed this demo, i really like the artstyle and also had a few laughs, hope to see more in the future.

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