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Not So Simple Sonic Advance Worlds (SAGE '20 Game Demo)

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Some of you may already know me as the creator of Sonic Alpha. This is a small game demo made to showcase the w.i.p Not so Simple Sonic Advance Worlds made in Not so Simple Sonic Worlds that I'm currently working on. This game demo features only 1 zone with 2 acts so I hope you enjoy!
Note: THIS DEMO IS LAGGY DUE TO A CODE ERROR I MADE but I have no intention of fixing it since the final release is done.




Woah, this looks awesome Ice! Can't wait to try it out. I know you've been working on this for a while, so I'm glad a demo is finally out.
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Oh wow, I actually Really REALLY Loved this title. Also part of the reason we mapped some of the SA4A around SA2 is because of the inspiration I got after playing this tittle. Love your work Great game.
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I think this is really good as well! I'd have to look back at Sonic Advance to see if there are any differences because I don't see anything out of the ordinary. :)

Actually what is Neo Green Hill Act 2??? The music sounds way different.
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I think this is really good as well! I'd have to look back at Sonic Advance to see if there are any differences because I don't see anything out of the ordinary. :)

Actually what is Neo Green Hill Act 2??? The music sounds way different.
music is neo green hill zone from sonic pinball party (which is basically a remix of nghz act 2)
character differences i found

Knuckles' Punch
Amy (in advance) can use the hammer drop in the air in other states (such as "spring" or "walk" and stuff)

welp thats all i have
This is really, really good. There are inconsistencies with how certain things function, but it's great overall.

To be honest, seeing this in the SAGE 2020 trailer with less context than what's present here, caught me off-guard in a very weird way. I've been in a rut with Sonic Advance Revamped for a couple of years; I'm trying to move the game to a new engine in Game Maker: Studio, but starting over again is daunting and discouraging. Seeing so many of the same sorts of things I worked on present in the footage, kind of like...hit me upside the head. It made me wish I had a proper team to help with my project.

For your project, I'm rooting for you. There are loose ends and details that aren't exact in this demo, but I'm confident you can get this to feel just like Advance. I'm happy to see that you've made so much progress already. I am curious to know if the menu theme is a new composition or if that's also from Pinball Party and I'm forgetting, and if you have any advice for getting back into the swing of working on a project like this/how to form a team to assist with things like programming.
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This is really, really good. There are inconsistencies with how certain things function, but it's great overall.

To be honest, seeing this in the SAGE 2020 trailer with less context than what's present here, caught me off-guard in a very weird way. I've been in a rut with Sonic Advance Revamped for a couple of years; I'm trying to move the game to a new engine in Game Maker: Studio, but starting over again is daunting and discouraging. Seeing so many of the same sorts of things I worked on present in the footage, kind of like...hit me upside the head. It made me wish I had a proper team to help with my project.

For your project, I'm rooting for you. There are loose ends and details that aren't exact in this demo, but I'm confident you can get this to feel just like Advance. I'm happy to see that you've made so much progress already. I am curious to know if the menu theme is a new composition or if that's also from Pinball Party and I'm forgetting, and if you have any advice for getting back into the swing of working on a project like this/how to form a team to assist with things like programming.
I really appreciate the feedback and long time no see Alex! Glad to see you're still planning on finishing Advance Revamped I'm really looking forward to it! This isnt a complete game im making I just made a small demo game to showcase this wip sonic advance style framework for sonic worlds im developing, that way anyone can make their own sonic advance fangame for sonic worlds. It's definitely not perfect and has some bugs I just can't seem to figure out (gonna have to redo or remove some gimmicks entirely) but I'm glad you enjoyed what I've done so far! Also the menu music is from sonic pinball party named "stick canyon" which is a gba rendition of one of my favorite night's into dreams tracks.

As for my advice, I suggest not to worry about anything, you dont have to compare your work to others just because other people had the same attempt you did. And dont worry about finding a team either. Focus on developing your skills. You're currently learning game maker and that's a very good start, as someone like me have no clue how to use game maker but i probably can if I took the time to learn. Once you've feel like you're ready to start game development on your game, do what you can, up until you feel like you're ready for having a team. Once people see the work you've made, it will encourage them to help you, since you'll have the work to show for it.

Everyone learns and grows at their own pace, there's no rush. Sonic Advance Revamped will return someday I know you will make it happen. Everything will fall into place eventually so don't give up, no matter where you are or your current skill level do not be discouraged keep moving forward. As long as you have the right mindset you will accomplish what you set out to do regardless of how long it takes. I'm rooting for you my dude and I wish you luck. I've been feeling down myself lately but don't let that stop you from doing what you love.
Why don't you release the game file for people to do fangames? That would be really cool.
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I've actually released the framework today I've made a post for it here for sfghq but I have to wait for it to be approved so in the meantime here it is!

edit it's out now.
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