General Information
In a time beyond quantification, humanity has mysteriously disappeared, leaving the machines to populate the flooded Earth. In this scene, a gynoid awakens, and it's up to you to uncover the mystery of this lifelike mechanical marvel.Controls (Xbox Controller):
Left Stick: Move
Right Stick: Rotate Camera
A Button: Jump
B Button: Shoot
X Button: Grapple Shot (You'll have to find it first)
Left/Right Bumper: Strafe
Left Trigger: Dash
Controls (Keyboard and Mouse):
WASD Keys: Move
Mouse: Rotate Camera
Space Bar: Jump
Left Click: Shoot
Right Click: Grapple Shot (You'll have to find it first)
Q Key: Strafe
Left Control Key: Dash
Left Stick: Move
Right Stick: Rotate Camera
A Button: Jump
B Button: Shoot
X Button: Grapple Shot (You'll have to find it first)
Left/Right Bumper: Strafe
Left Trigger: Dash
Controls (Keyboard and Mouse):
WASD Keys: Move
Mouse: Rotate Camera
Space Bar: Jump
Left Click: Shoot
Right Click: Grapple Shot (You'll have to find it first)
Q Key: Strafe
Left Control Key: Dash
NOTE: If playing with the keyboard/mouse setup on laptop, we strongly reccomend using a USB mouse for optimal comfort.