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Illusion Spectre

as a joke I wanted to make 2 parts of this review in pig latin and google translasted spanish just to illustrate how crazy the 2 switching system is in this game but it would be alot of effort.

firsty what?

no seriously what?

you come in here with AMAZING graphics and gorgeous colours!

then you introduce us to a fever dream on steroids while having a hangover, upside down all in the local zoo.

what is this and where do i order it?

okay jokes aside this is game is crazy but fun!

-polished animations
-responsive controls
-invincible dashing
-the 'shat up' skip dialogue option is funny
-this is a game from another dimension that we humans barely understand but enjoy
-reaper girl is nice
-nice easter eggs of other SAGE reps too!

-I'm begging you on my knees on the floor with a cheery bomb on top here, put in an easy slow mode or a faster weapon than the boomerang scythe, or even a time stop mode. The game needs it
-i feel like touhou vertarins will enjoy this more than your average gamer
-pirate ship miniboss needs larger explode particles to show where upward cannon fires are landing

Overall; please at least put in an easy mode or simple time slow mechanic
You did a really good job so far!