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Mr. Triangle Mania 2 - Alpha Demo

Project Overview

(Get the full version of the game here:


(WARNING: This game contains swearing and a few drug jokes. In a ""humorous"" manner that can't be taken seriously, but still.)

Mr. Triangle Mania 2 is a platformer-shooter game with a stupid and wacky injoke+meme filled plot involving a washed up triangle pizza delivery guy, his former arch nemesis, me but as an evil edgy cat dictator, and pizza. It (and the game its a sequel to) are basically a joke revival of a game series I made in Game Maker when I was 9.

This alpha has 3 stages, and 5 bosses. There's also 3 playable characters.

(By the way Dash Cats is on hiatus so I can make this. A sequel to an old game maker game series, of which the last, development hell ridden game..actually BECAME Dash Cats over the years. Funny how things work out, right?)

Screenshots and media!


RootLM - Basically everything

Yacker - Base Platformer Engine, Testing

SFX:Most made in BFXR, some are from Sonic 3K/Mania, Suguri, and Petscop.

Music (all from other games):
The Legend - Deltarune
Title Screen - Mega Man 9
Data Select - Sonic 3K
Dent 2 - Pharaoh Rebirth
To The Rescue! - Freedom Planet
Sunset Heights - Sonic Forces
Hard Cording - Kero Blaster
Meet the Team - Freedom Planet
E.G.G.M.A.N - Sonic Adventure 2
Metal Sonic - Sonic Mania
Toxic Caves - Sonic Spinball
Hydrocity Zone Act 2 - Sonic 3K
Chaos King - Deltarune
Point Cedar (Rage Ravine Unused Stage) - Freedom Planet
Final Boss - Mega Man 5

Latest reviews

Pretty good action game with a corny memey story. The demo's content is sizable and I was surprised to see it is from the Dash Cats developer. Good to see another game from you.
The boss fights are pretty enjoyable, and although the demo's final stage was a leap in difficulty with very precise input requirements and fps drops on my laptop, it... has been disgrace after disgrace here lately and clearing that challenge after 30 minutes helped me unwind. Thanks.
I also saw there are two more playable characters but I wasn't enjoying the sombrero blob much, left the game for later and now my laptop got the click of death on the HD and I can't play anything. Farts.
Again, Triangle Boy is fun and I'm looking foward for more of it!


there's something wrong with my game
every time i press x as the sombrero character it turns my game off, and every time i get hit as triangle man it shuts my game off
any way to fix this?
there's something wrong with my game
every time i press x as the sombrero character it turns my game off, and every time i get hit as triangle man it shuts my game off
any way to fix this?
Is there any error when it happens?

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5.00 star(s) 1 ratings

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