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Demo Sonic Outbound (New Years Demo)


IMPORTANT NOTICE: If you are interested in this project, you can help me by talking to my Discord DMS (username is Akurio64#3823) or on our Discord server.


This game is set one year after Sonic Mania's bad ending where Robotnik had the Phantom Ruby and Chaos Emeralds in possession. Before the events of Sonic Outbound, Robotnik had waited a year to start his plan to collect the Time Stones as soon as Little Planet reappears. He plans to use the Chaos Emeralds, Time Stones, and Phantom Ruby for ultimate power.

In the present, Sonic decided to invite Tails and Knuckles (but Knuckles rejects the invitation to guard the Master Emerald) to vacations on Heaven Shore, a pleasant beach he loves to relax in. Suddenly, Sonic witnesses Amy, Mighty, and Ray being kidnapped by Robotnik but the second Sonic was going to hit Robotnik, a fast creature flew into Sonic with Knuckles chasing it. Turns out this was Meta, a cybernetic who is working for Robotnik. Meta had stolen the Master Emerald. Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles agreed to take separate paths: Sonic will retrieve the Time Stones, Tails will save Amy, Mighty, and Ray, and Knuckles will retrieve the Master Emerald. Soon, they will discover a third foe, Fang the Sniper, who works with Robotnik as a mercenary. Also yes, Robotnik made all that to separate Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles.

About the game

This demo will contain a playable Star Light Zone to play. It has two acts, two bosses. We used the same technique of reimagination that Mania does. Next zone on the list is Heaven Shore and it will be released in SAGE '23. TAKE NOTE THIS IS A DEMO MADE FOR TEST PURPOSES​


The Team:

Lead programmer and director: Akurio64
Lead musician and director: Plasmariel
Level designer: Comical

Special thanks to:

Flaming Fox for making the Sonic idle sprite (preview of Outbound' Sonic)
Oisann for giving me suggestions and ideas
YadienBegode for giving me suggestions and ideas
Sonic Isolated for helping make the new logo and made graphics for Sunset Park
OVA for making Heaven Shore tileset

Credits to:

CartoonAnimate22 for Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles
Alex13Art for Star Light tileset
Aria アーク and Darkn for Neo Chaotix HUD
Custom title screen and victory animation by DOA687

Placeholder music source:

Miniboss theme
Star Light Act 2
Star Light Bigboss theme

Used Harinezemi Framework


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what i do ?

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