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The Great Frebbventure

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What exactly does it mean to be cool, anyway? Bread and circus have always left a dry, bitter taste on Frebb's tongue, and he's been called just about every synonym for "lame" and "grouchy" that you could find in a whole stack of thesauruses. So imagine his surprise when he learned just how much angrier his constant criticism had made his rivals than they'd made him!

But, I hear you ask, what is a Frebbventure?

I'm glad you asked, because if there's one thing I like doing, it's rambling about all the things that I make and how neat they are! The Great Frebbventure is an action-platformer which, though not stunningly lengthy, crams in more layers of depth, challenge, and sheer condensed content than you can shake a bendy boneless cat limb at! With free-flowing momentum, a vast array of attacks that can function equally well as offensive or platforming maneuvers, and enemies that can fight you toe-to-toe while never holding your screen scroll hostage, you'll have more than enough to keep you busy - and that's not even counting the medals!

Whether you're racing the Clock Medal, enjoying the ever-so-satisfying clink of each regular stage's 100 scattered gems, or weaving your way through enemies and obstacles to stay under the Heart Medal's hit threshold, there's always an extra challenge to be had. Complete them to earn bonus coins, and redeem them for palette swaps and gameplay-enhancing items at the nearest shop! If you're really determined, you might even 100% each world to unlock its secret stage; and trust me, once you get there, you'll need all the practice those regular stages gave you!

...Or, you know, you could just beat the game, and get Frebb's stuff back. But that won't be easy, either; each world has 9 levels, each with its own suite of often-exclusive enemies and gimmicks, and that's to say nothing of the bosses! Ulcethot's a popular guy, with a lot of friends, and they all think you're just as lame as he does.

That's enough rambling from me, though. What's the game say for itself?






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Fun game will say Frebb hits that you will like his character or not but the overall game was fun. Sadly the catbird level was unfinishable cause hitting the S key caused the game to error out and when you beat the boss you get a dialog that you can not skip cause you need to hit the S Key to continue but it breaks the game there. Here is the error I got

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_catbird:

Variable obj_catbird.global_cutscene(100543, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_catbird_Step_0
Fun game will say Frebb hits that you will like his character or not but the overall game was fun. Sadly the catbird level was unfinishable cause hitting the S key caused the game to error out and when you beat the boss you get a dialog that you can not skip cause you need to hit the S Key to continue but it breaks the game there. Here is the error I got

action number 1
of Step Event0
for object obj_catbird:

Variable obj_catbird.global_cutscene(100543, -2147483648) not set before reading it.
at gml_Object_obj_catbird_Step_0
Thank you for your comment; and in fact, you seem to have commented this just as I was uploading a hotfix! Frebbventure SAGE 0.1 has this issue resolved.
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I don't know if the world was quite ready for the unholy matrimony of Wario and the Grinch, but you've gotta push the envelope sometimes.

I really like the presentation in this game. The cutscenes are so animated and detailed.
I don't know if the world was quite ready for the unholy matrimony of Wario and the Grinch, but you've gotta push the envelope sometimes.

I really like the presentation in this game. The cutscenes are so animated and detailed.
The world will never be ready to go on a Frebbventure; but that is irrelevant, as it is not up to the world, but to Frebb, to decide when the Frebbventure begins, and when it ends. Every cutscene is lovingly designed and animated to awaken the Frebb at the core of us all; then an end shall be put to celebrity cringe forever, and the greatest Frebbventure will be the life we all share.

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